Successful basket ball strategist will legitimately draw the guard out of position by dribbling , and then by pivoting and back-pass&&; at a different angle,—- thereby reversing the defensive effort. A forward pass following the back pass perwits a strategic thrust with a scoring effort in the offensive area. A great plaver will never, ‘for a single instents/ tts admonition: If a player cannot passethe ball forward 460 teen acto, a pivot will introduce him to the other one-half wi the court where he is almost certain to find a team mate a : f ope yn for a velanas passe AS a monkey handles a cocoanut so should an expert ball handler handle a basket ball. After catching the ball, head work and foot work combined with ball handling are prime essentials. aA skill- ful ball handler will ReeP his knee constantly bent so that he may | protect the ball with the most advanced parts of his body. Héswill keep his head and shoulders back and away from his opponent. By keeping his head back, his Pert poet ns and depth visions are accentuated. In such versatile position the player can pass or hoek the ball forward. He can readilypivot off his rear foot and feed off at any angle. Or,when finding his opponent drewn out of position, he can swing into a low fast dribble to free himself frou his converging spponent: In the interesting fan- liv of fundamentals, ball handling, Bere ine anes passing, and dribbling are all first cousins. The #8 trouble maker for young and inlexperienced coaches is their inability £0 teach a team to work through a set or a stratified zone defense, which incorporates a part man-to-man and part zone de- Tense. Most coaches are well acquainted with éhe procedure of working