‘ 4 October 31, 1944. Mr. R. He Malott, Si/o (RT), Co. 1948, U.S.H.2.C., Great Lakes, Illinois. gar, Bob: cae AvLay ph pregeppeyy covey , - -Miginty happy to Wee PUaP LA OF SUE inatant. 1 agree with you that Navy life is rugged indeed, but you will develop tremendously under it, both ee, and otherwise. That otherwise means that you have got to accept all types of people that you come in The fact that you did rottenly, ee SS ee Soa Man Ga Wes Sentkine Gk Wteccioer about tnt you ane geseie- ing you will develop a philosophy of battling from the word go. And ee ee ee eee ae eo little huskier. Bo em agytmng ped ge page the roughest of any club do not quote me to my Big Ten brothers be- ta Ouarge eee Le ee Ane: at email the All star a deat, on qa 3 thous oT SEARO rt ie Toes eel eye ie: een. ndi nd it” a ¢! » ple Sal aH eve nonfpesp of eA oynp ; » MITT pegs Los ayer Lon ®eg e JrPFTe CyGer. og © ;TEPTe pHEKyeR* | | yuo a MITT qeaoyob w bypyyoeobyA o7 preryyn® y.ow spe mong Ror yog mg ony ot es7 syTe ypu gee _ tes ae wpons gyeg Ao Le LeceyzA~ , Pore Aon prq pees pesity¢° | e ” pow Iptagony?. emg ogpennpee* iyeg ogvenagee i aA IEG Te unbGeq rugqeeg’ pe Aon myyy qeasyob iveotor of Piysical Bducition, reity Basketball Coach. | oofope. gy” yare’. tation part or the sidan At the Box Office! Come and Get ’Em—Tickets for the Cage Classic of. the Year—the College . All-Stars Ft. Wayne Zollners: World Champions _——Co-Attraction—— PHILLIPS 66 VS. DENVER AMBROSE LEGION (National A.A.U. Champs) (Former Nat’l A.A.U, Champs) CHICAGO STADIUM, 1800 W. MADISON ST. FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 1944 Tickets on Sale at- Bonds Clothes Herald-American 65 W. Madison St. R. 510, 326 W. Madison St. Reserved Seats $3.50—$2.50—$1.75—$1.25 GENERAL ADMISSION—83c (Plus 20%, Federal Amusement Tax.) -Mail Orders (All price-tickets may be ordered by mail. Orders should be sent with money order or check payable to Ticket Manager, Herald-American, Room 510, 326 W. Madison st.) 2s aE WRITERS ALSO LIKE HIM. Another coach who is high on Brindley is John Lawther of Penn State. Matt Jackson; sports edi- tor of the Rochester Times-Union, as well as Sports Editor Cy Krit- zer of the Buffalo News are mem- bers of the All-American Board who like Brindley as the No: 1 cager. . Among those who are set on big Bob Kurland are his own coach, H. P. Iba; Coach H. R. McQuillan or. C U., and Lt: Cmdr. Clair Bee, former Long Island coach. Brannum 1)support as No. 1 player from -PCoach W. F. Lange of North Caro- ilina, and his own coach, Adolph Rupp: Ed Krause of Notre Dame ialso is strong for Brannum but also fancies his own Leo Klier, Stan Patrick and. Dick Ives. COAST ACES PRAISED. . From the Pacific coast, Coach Howard Hobson of Oregon, as well as Sports Editor Royal Borugham of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, \have drummed up a good deal of ‘noise in favor of such aces as ‘Wallace Borrevik of Oregon, Gail Bishop of Washington State and Roger Wiley of Oregon. The poll of the All- Kener board should be complete within the next week and the full squad which will oppose the world ,champions named. Addition of the clash between _|the National AAU champion Phil- 2} lips 66 team of Bartlesville, Okla., ijand the former National AAU ijchampion Ambrose Legions - of Denver, Col., has satisfied the fans that the greatest array of teas at SO, LFS 7 | Piguet Kean! a7 LO hen tele eathe Lt KaLbhe (b Miiier F227 A AATEU SG /}, BAS € 4ay Je. OF 7Sic Deiw tio. FLb September 11, 1944. Mra. Ce T. Manley, Stanley, Kensase Dear Mrs. Manley: I have carefully considered your request for a book on hygiene for your boy who is soon to go into the Navy. Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH - Varsity Basketball Coach. September 11, 1944. Prentice-liall Book Co., 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Dear Sirs: lirs. ©. 1, Manley, of Stanley, Kansas, ceme in the office inquiring for a text for her son who is soon to ge into the service. I have recommended to her “Health Guides and Guards.” Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Fducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 6, 1944. Mr. Frank B. Miller, Miller Drug %o., 723 Story Street, Boone, Iowa. Dear Mr. Miller: I acknowledge with thanks your order for py book, “Better Basketball". I have autographed the same and am mailing it to you to- day e I read your letter very carefully and I am pleased to know that you made your letter in golf three years at the University of Iowa, and that is one of the things I think very necessary - that a man be a letterman to make an outstanding success as a trainer. Of course, it is vitally necessary that you have a good working kmowledge of anatomy and physiology. Did you take zoology while you were in school, or any of the biological sciences? ‘The first thing that I would advise would be for you to refer to the chapter on Treatment of Athletic Injuries and read that very carefully. And I would get a Gray or Cunningham Anatomy and study osteclogy and syndsmology. Of course, myology and neurology would be the next necessary study. You will find in the opening paragraph on page 339 the trainers that I have developed. ) After you have read this chapter, won't you write me any questions that occur to you? I ama little slow in recommending that you come to the University of Kensas and take this work under me. That would be rather expensive, although you doubtless could get a position here with some drug firm if vou cared to. “Why would it not be a good idea for you to closely associate yourself with the Boone High School athletic teams, see what training is being done for them, and in a way work into the lives and hearts of those boys, as your first venture. I would be glad to commumicate with you and help you in all possible ways after you have read the chapter. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. PHONE 428 Drucs MILLER DRUG CO. SUNDRIES RUBBER Goops B. W. MILLER, PROPRIETOR KODAKS HOSPITAL SUPPLIES STATIONERY 723 STORY STREET Sept. 3, 1944 Boone, lowa Dr.Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: Thank you for your friendly letter; I must apologize for taking your time this way but there are still some things I would like to know about the possibilities of my becoming a trainer. I am at present in business with my father and as I said have a fairly good outlook. However, I have been dissatisfied for some time and would like to get into this other type of work if I could be assured of making a living. Don’t misunderstand me, I am willing and convinced that a man must work to~support a family but I am in a rut and want a chance to get a little fresh air and excercise and try to make ends meet too, I think it can be dome. This attitude has not been a result of wartime help short- ages and difficulties in the drug store. : My experience in athletics has been mostly as a spectator. I won three major-letters in golf at the University of Iowa and played a little basket- ball in high school, otherwise I don’t qualify as a trainer according to your philosophy except that I am fond of athletics and physical fitness. T hope this gives you abetter idea of myself and that you can give me a more definite answer as to how I should proceed. Perhaps you would advise me to wait until after the war or try to get into this line in case T enter the service. I have done a great deal of thinking about it and am in no particular hurry, just impatient to get started if you think I can make a go of it. I would want an idea of how long it would take to learn, sd Oteber aart bp Me entrin inae B gen 9 hase steed eecal Mba. hat 2 i ee ta ew. ne a v of Aaweling Cg tt end of ALI somal: 1 ot 8 lt hs, 9 ed 8 om ee es Badan 2 abet 3 Se ed os Be Vhasks Sow Madr and dcaf le ee OF cars chnecling anol 9 ath gash» ey) I ee aR — Pe * 7 : FORT JACKSON. SOUTH CAROLINA wh bois ei oe fe Sb ativan Mle odbhk ipa eerie ve hone on Reger $ 0 oc whl 2 J pia eee. oo . sage pe An Goede wool D dew 7 ae re 3 hed aha Dehhgl A os, ety oo ht gen with Lan of hat a oll Wry 7% cee everppore je, fe Ae mie le thr Site $801 Lage, Mair! Ff en Stule Crstns CouRTESY SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY . RPORATED .