September 6, 1944. Mr. Frank B. Miller, Miller Drug %o., 723 Story Street, Boone, Iowa. Dear Mr. Miller: I acknowledge with thanks your order for py book, “Better Basketball". I have autographed the same and am mailing it to you to- day e I read your letter very carefully and I am pleased to know that you made your letter in golf three years at the University of Iowa, and that is one of the things I think very necessary - that a man be a letterman to make an outstanding success as a trainer. Of course, it is vitally necessary that you have a good working kmowledge of anatomy and physiology. Did you take zoology while you were in school, or any of the biological sciences? ‘The first thing that I would advise would be for you to refer to the chapter on Treatment of Athletic Injuries and read that very carefully. And I would get a Gray or Cunningham Anatomy and study osteclogy and syndsmology. Of course, myology and neurology would be the next necessary study. You will find in the opening paragraph on page 339 the trainers that I have developed. ) After you have read this chapter, won't you write me any questions that occur to you? I ama little slow in recommending that you come to the University of Kensas and take this work under me. That would be rather expensive, although you doubtless could get a position here with some drug firm if vou cared to. “Why would it not be a good idea for you to closely associate yourself with the Boone High School athletic teams, see what training is being done for them, and in a way work into the lives and hearts of those boys, as your first venture. I would be glad to commumicate with you and help you in all possible ways after you have read the chapter. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.