7 ; " Jenuary 22, 1945. “die (jg) Le E. Morehouse, USNR, 826 Collins, Miami Beach, Florida. Dear Larrys : : : I was delighted to have your shapshot of your gon, Stephen. He is a dandy. Urs. Allen took the snapshot and passed very favor- ably upon the two male members of the family. She was sorry that Jane's physiognomy was not in the picture. I hope your thirty days leave still has some time in it because we are sending this communication to you at your vacationing address. I hope that you do have good luck should your next assignment be in the Pasific. : Give Jane and Stephen my kindest regards, and please accept my thanks for the clipping on the ooképs. It was q queer thing - before the Saturday Evening Post's editorial in the December 23rd issue backing up my attack on the gamblers, none of the college coaches knew anything about gambling taking place. But now they have . _ awakened. Did you see the December 23rd issue of the Post? It is interesting. | With kindest regards to you, Jane and Stephen, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH ! Varsity Basketball Coach. eT ht 50 Pen. ein coll oe Peer January 18, i945. iy. David Le MacFarlane, Chairman, State Department of Social Welfare, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Scotty: — There may not be any convention and in that case there may not be any district governor. The ODT is right in asking for fewer of the things that take up too much travel. They might give the green light on this, but I am not sure. Thank you for your kind remarks regarding my past _ tenure. It was a lot of fun. If I oan do anytiting to help your daughter, Jean, in any way, please let me imow. We are mighty happy to have her as one of our future Jayhawker greats. Do stop by if you have the time. With kindest personal regards, I am Rotarily yours, ; Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. — BEN H. JOHNSON MEMBER OF BOARD THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE OF KANSAS DaAvip L. MAcFARLANE FRANK W. DUREIN CHAIRMAN MEMBER OF BOARD TOPEKA, KANSAS January 17, 1945 Dre Forrest Ce Allen Kansas Univers ity Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I understand that the Lawrence Club is present- ing your name as a candidate for District Governor at the spring conventione I was very gled to hear this, and assure you that I shall be glad to do anything in my power to further your candidacy. You made an excellent president of the Lawrence Club, and I know you will give a fine administration in the districte My daughter, Jean, has finally decided to enter KeUe this next semester, so you may have an opportunity of seeing here : I expect to be in Lawrence next week and shall look you up if the opportunity permits. With kind personal regards, I remain Cordially yours, heck David Le MacFarlane Chairman DIMs:irr / January 16, 1945. Pvt. Larry @. Morgan, Service Co., S8th A.B. | APO 258, c/o Postmaster, | - New York, N.Y. Dear Private Morgan: I would be very sani to send you the University of Kensas basket~ ball record, but you did not state for how long a period. This data is rather difficult to obtain, but if you want the score of the University of eeee vs. University of Indiana game I will be happy to send you that. Kansas won the Western N.C.A.A. championship in 1940 by virtue of hav- ing won the Big Six championship and then playing the Oklahoma Aggies for the right to represent the Pifth District of the N.C.AeA., which is our district. Then we defeated Rice Institute, Southwestern champions, while Southern Calif- ornia defeated Colorado. Then Kansas defeated the University of Southern California, 42 to 41. for the Western championship. In the eastern half, Purdue won the Big Ten championship, with Indiana second. However, the Fourth District of the N.C.A.A. selected Indiana to represent that area. In the play-off at Indianapolis, Indiana defeated Springfield, Mass., Y.M.0.A. College, and another team that I have forgotten at the moment. They came on to Kansas City and defeated Kansas for the national N.C.A.A. play-off, 60 to 42, “Indiana had one of the greatest teams that night that I have seon - in action in a long time. There was certainly no desire to give them anything | but the highest praise. Kansas has only met two other Big Ten teams. In 1922 we played Minnesota at Minneapolis, defeating them 32 to 11. Minnesota went on then to win her next five Big Ten games. She finished either second or third in the conference. In 1942 Kansas defeated the University of Iowa, under Coach Rollie Williams, 54 to 52. Iowa did not. lose a single Big Ten Conference game at home that year. I have forgotten shere she finished but it was close to the top. If there is other information you desire, eal feel free to write me. With all good wishes, T am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. i DXOSAAS SS QICCCAGRACRAG’SARAC AAAS AAA ALA AA AA AA is January 15, 1945. ") : Jee ; - f . : ) | AW 2 ? a : Mr. Je Banashek, Treasurer, Pred Medart Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Moe Dear Mr. Banashek: \ iwish to acknowledge with thanks your check for 3167.87, covering the royalty due on Goal-Hi sales for the quarter onded December 31, 1944. Sincerely yours, Dirsetor of Physical Biucation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Cozech. FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louis, Mo. J. BANASHEK SECRETARY January 10, 1945 pr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Rear Doctor Allen; Enclosed herewith is check for $167.87 covering the royalty due on Goal-Hi sales for the quarter ended December 31, 1944, Yours very truly, FRED MEDART MANT TURING CO, eee Treasurer enc. — check #30621 STEEL LOCKERS____ STEEL WARDROBES_____ STEEL SHELVING_____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS_____ GYM SEATS_____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS Jamary 9, 1945. & Cpl. Chas. B. Moore, 35544112, 3 ae l 78th Sp., 4, S5th T. C., pl lly oa New York, N.Y. Dear Coxporal Moors: suk cues tole 3 eb sen hee Woks odie id icin Seek ae in the Garden in the east in 1940, ‘41, °42, 143, but with conservatism I would stake my reputation on saying that the western teams won over eighty per cent of their games played in the Garden and other eastern locations. In 1942 and "45 I bolieve they won ninst}-five per cent of ‘their games. A sure way of finding out would be to address a letter to Ned Irish, . President of Madison Square Garden, and ask him to give you the results — of the games played by western teams in the east that were under his co He a chain of playing areas, such as Philadelphia, Buffalo, and the Garden. I believe he controls Hersyen, Pa., and one other . | where the eastern teams play the from the west. I have seen both teams, and that is my opinion, but the record still stahde for itself. . | : yd Indiana has long been famous for its wonderful teams because basket ball in Indiana is progressive. — Wishing you‘every good luck and hoping to have the pleasure of meeting you sometime when you get back to the States, I am . , Very. sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH : | Varsity Basketball Coach. Print the compare address in plain letters in the panel below, and your return address in the space provided ~ ° e right. Use typewriter, dark ink, or dark pencil. Faint or small writing is not suitable for photographing. CPZ AWARE fo fF CRE ve | x ROM SSH) Le TO: 17 #. JPL lLEW DF Le 5p, oS ITS, taws as VhivErs 1 TY Hoja feo Myf fe LAWRAWCE KANSAS. : : QEC. 32 WIE | cr ee, _(CENSOR'S STAMP) SEE INSTRUCTION NO. 2 (Sender's complete address above) Mtn ee se Be hay et OO ee fila oid bag Ae Lilgni poems mpm 7 Ge eb ete | ie pe / i : S pe Eom tord Jor AR A pan eae Yiptund Jt donee Any heby, tee Anke A thn Of gore Arm oe Jn duc ge wo ee La Pr QA HAVE YOU FILLED IN COMPLETE ee ee HAVE YOU FILLED IN COMPLETE ADDRESS AT TOP? V ne M ye | |. ADDRESS AT TOP? 5 YU. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1943 16—28148-S TERESA RR EE SAO 1S 5 Piast! t a + ‘January 8, 1945. Mrs. Pred Moreau, 1942 Louisiana St., Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Moreau: Seen: iui th tileile iat tte: haat WG. weapndinuslet tuys volley ball in the gymmasiwa: Rev. Edwin Price Prof. Raymond Beamer Prof. HW. H. Shoemaker Prof. Le L. Barrett \ Sincerely yours, — AS | Director of Physical Education, RCA: AH Varsity Basketball coach. January 3, 1945. Me. Horry Morrow, Tacha Journal-tiorld, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Harry: I think this will give you some food for publicity. We are asking the officials to give these signals, and we are giving a copy to our timer and scorer. So that the public can widerstand, I believe it would be well ’ $o run this in your paper, and then when the officials give these signals they will be understandable. Sincerely yours, s _ Direstor of Fhysical Education, ee ee PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. . Ene. 2 : 4 baiects | | Vy Mr. Rp He Malott, @1/o (Refs) Co. 1948, U.S.M.TeCe, Great Lakes, Xllinois. Dear Bob: Mra. Allen and I appreciated very much your Christmas remeuhrance, and enjoyed your greeting. I wish every good thing for you in the new year. We are leaving at 5:50 tomorrow morning for Columbia, Missouri, where we play the Tigers tomorrow night. I just don't believe we have enough to defeat the Tigers at present, but we my take them at Lewrence. Our boys are just too young and inexperSenced. It wes good to see you on your last visit home. Very cordially yours, Direstor of Physical Rducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. December 27, 1944. Ure Te Ee Moore, Box 5423, . Metropolitan Station, les Angeles, Calif. Rene Mire Moores deat Cre eaniating & tath Ma thn eerettind oh te _ registered letter, return receipt requested, which you wrote me on December 16. When I received notice to ease to the postoffice to get this package I supposed that it was from another individual from whom I was expecting a letter. My supposition was that it was some material that had been returned to me conc eles therefore, I saw no great neod in hastening j r | With icindest personal regards, I om Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, POA:Ai Varsity Basketball Coach. Box oey Metnepolie Los Angeles, Califor peer 16, 19th. t af Peysical” Bducation, as! ity of Kansas, _— Lawrence, Kansas. 2 Dest Dr. Allen: : | eS) : Se vou About vanes nent ae ago I was given s information ‘by a certain resident of Boulder, Colorado, for four years (1938-42) I taught in the University o: - rado. yAfter being furnished this information, I wrot: two réiable persons at the University and received ' them that my informant had given me accurate statements. concern assertions made by a certain woman in ae ‘Benet of So at the University of Solorado. et First I should say that in anon, 16m, th ne to @ letter handed me by the Head of the Depa | _ of English, brought about my dismissal from that Univ furnishing the charge that sa utonte tried to avers my en oehs oe ae oe The information which I later received from es was that this woman asserted, late in 1943, Yreal reason that I was let out was not that students © my classes” but that I had been associated with — eos I was at the Petey enss of Raniaas « | eee Naturally you will understnad that I ‘yews Seor: aevine you, particularly, whether you can tell mg more about this. I do not mean that the rumor was sa. . have come from your Department. I believe that it 1 oa for me not to be more specific just now, HONS ee 2) Vothink thet I should know of any statemen ‘may have made the woman in Golorado feel free to mak - an assertion. I think that. there is no question of ice hostility toward'me. Still, had she nothing to Oo I imagine that she would have connected me with a in Jolorats itself. : I know hak I can trust you not. to let oes | into anyone else's hands , and I would rather | > apmpath o the matter to “any idroe eons a bet SUN-33-150 M-7-43 HERCULES POWDER COMPANY INCORPORATE SUNFLOWER ORDNANCE WORKS LAWRENCE, KANSAS December 14, 1944 Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thanks very much for your invitation to aciead the Grand Opening at the Lawrence Country Club. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mahen and I have a previous engagement for tonight, so that we will not have the pleasure of attending. Yours very truly, Ki WS. Dees — KWM: HLK 3 K. W. rape ie ptr ial ooh et Pea TSE SOA patient ne PM Ria pte a JO December 16, 1944. Mr. Ernie Mehl, Sports Deak, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Ernie: I have just had a letter from Mr. Robert Fuoss, of the Saturday Bvening Post, sayiing that the editorial will appear in the December 23rd issue of the Post, which comes out on the 20th. | Sincerely yours, : Direotor of Physical Education, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. December 19, 1944. Mre Je Ge Morrow, Land Bank Bldg., / Kansas City, Mo. Dear Cal: Sorry you couldn't attend the Rockhurst game in Kansas 3 City the other nicht, but we will have tickets for you for our - double-headers there December 22 and 23. Just see Clyde Baker ' gat the Mumicipal Auditorium, and he will fix you up with good seats. | Bob Book's address is as follows: A/S Re Le Bock, 17199786, Section "I", Perrin Pield, Sherman, TSRES » eo With best wishes for the Yuletide season, I an. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Edi cation, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. J. C. MORROW LAND BANK BUILDING KANSAS CITY, Mo. December 18, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Fhysical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Phog: I was out of town last week and con- sequently could not attend the basketball game on Tuesday night. However, I appreciate your letter of the llth, offering some tickets for that game. I was sorry not to be there and more sorry not to see you. Wishing the Allen family A Very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful 1945, I am Sincerely yours, Ck JCOM.EJ J. C. Morrow F265. °* Some little time ago I had a letter from Bob Bock saying that he had written you a letter. Unfortunately I threw away the envelope and do not have Bob's letter, and I will appreciate it if you will let me have it. ss J eC oM. eapionr tie i Derg e PPD Melk 9 RTD WANs Lea aed ince ie December 2, 1944 Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. Re: Jack Mertin. Dear Chancellor Malett: We haye fixed Mr. Martin and his cohorts up to their entire satisfaction, and they will te splashing and plunging with great gusto. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. December 2, 1944. Mr. Jack Martin, 1520 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Jack: Enclosed herewith are keys to the west door of the gymnasium, and to the swimming pool. I trust that you and your friends will have most enjoyable recreation in the pool. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCAs Ad Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. November 5, 1944. The C. V. Mosby Publishing Co., St. Louis, Missouri. ‘Dear Sirs: I am planning to use your text, PERSONAL AND OOMMUNITY HEALTH, by C. BE. Turner, in our winter term just starting. My copy is the sixth edition, 1942. I am unable to locate the "key" which usually accompanies the text, and would appreciate your sending me a copy. My students will doubtless purchase the latest edition - available at the book store, and of course if there has been an _ @dition sinee 1942 I would like to have an up-to-date key. Very sincerely yours, Reginald R. Strait, ae in _—! Fducation. Novenber 7, 1944. Miss Eve Milton, 39th and Lees Summit Road, Independence, Missouri. My dear Eve: I have just received your letter and I immediately went into the Athletic Office to inquire as to the best available seats. “ee They have one seat in the end zone but it is right on the goal line = and it is the only one left. All of the other so-called choice seats 3 have long ago been snapped up. And now the only tickets that are pnmmetied and there are few of them, are in the end gone. The tickets are $2.70 and I thought we were quite fortun~ ate to get the one. So if you will send me your check or money veer for $2.70 I will procure this ticket and mail it to you. The fact that the game is) played in Kansas City caused i: ita lel ace utter wan Sond Vetok secede. Seurval. te tee ws SOS + ball game, to snap up the majority of these tickets before the public (ae awakened to the tremendous sale. The fact that Kansas played 1T.C.U. = in Kansas City and did reasonably well added to the ticket demand. fs Your Aunt Bess opened the letter, thinking it was to her. ag She did not have her glasses. She read your message at the bottom of ee the letter. % All of us wish you and all your folks the very best. We hope that we will see you soon. ni i See a ce ga Sincerely yours, / Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.