| the burden of ‘the guard, the rules committee now permits a pave five personm. fouls instead of four before ejection from the genes : The guard “2 the bipedal watehdog cf the baskets pas en err been said that a good offense is the best defense. It has ‘deen = } expertenes that a sterling defense coupled with a better ‘than average offense ‘esta more ‘often than not defeat a sterling offense possessed of @ hiecanmparians defense. The common conception of team work is that it applies only to dndk cttense. But in reality it operates at its best on the ibaa. This nieoonoep tion ean be attributed to the fact that in the early development of the game the p in possession of the ball were the centers of attraction, and the players 1 in possession drew very little attention. In this ever-changing lnetdoneopt speed gane of bake thal 1 new variations of defense must be improvised. | The Ne enae break has placed new burdens on meen the guards and the ‘officials. The aie te wash wave diftioulss Ne eftioiate. 1% ie alec moh more difficult for a tean to acquire the proper guarding technique. To ease the burden af the guard, the rules committee nee permits a player five personal fouls instead of four vefare ejection from the games ‘Much of the offensive drills are sheer fun oo is the ball handling connected with this fundamental feature. But guarding technique is work, - and hard work. A young player will practice, even alone, goal and free shooting by the hour because it is fun. Sut few players in off moments will ever attempt to practice guarding technique to improve their defensive prowess. All players want possession of the ball so that they oan shoot at the basket. Therefore, « ‘voddblibin ateah OANA din: eeneeth ids Addimmantnd ayitis wherein the guard is glorified. During these practice sessions an opportunity is given the coach to drive hom needful lessons. |