March 17, 19468. State House, Topeka, Kengas e Dear Bill: E I am sending a tear sheet of our basketball brochure for the 1944-'45 season. This morning when I went in to see Ernie to ae get the information, he seid, "Why don't you send that sheet from the basketball brochure?" | There was one thing I told you in yesterday evening's con- versation regarding his 65-yard rw touchdown on Thanksgiving Day 1900 against Missouri. I was at. old Western League Park at 16th and Prospect and saw Ernie Quigley, a young substitute, enter the Kansas line up in the second half and run 65 yards around Missouri's deft end for a touchdown to tle the score 6 to 6. Missouri had previously scered in the first half. He impressed me as being one of the fastest rumers in football that I have ever seen in uiform. This proved true because he was & sprinter on the Kansas track team later. Trust this gives you the dope you want. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Eno.