Pebruary 7, 1945. time the ve when the stronger male was able te pursue and capture the female. . The gemes of "Hare and Hounds", and "Hide and Seek", - all came from 4 use in track. Therefore, if track, the oldest game in the world, cannot attract an enthusiastic following there is something wrong, and one of those things is that track is not a team game but an individual sport. They call it a team game, but as you pointed out in your colum, a fellow competes either against himself or an individual, and it becomes an individual sport. When a teammate on a team loses, the whole team loses, even though one man may play such an outstanding game that if he were in track he would be a champion, but he loses with his gang and that is the great impelling power that draws spectators to the ringside or to the stadium, - because there is a mass struggle. Through the hundreds and thousands of years that the masses have been struggling, a team game appeals to the mass more than an individual contest. You remember the Greek who won the Marathon and fell dead after - delivering the message. Of course it was a message of victory in war, if I am correct in my memory. So distance ruming has always appealed, even before the Marathon. Now, just why dees not track draw? Because, as I said, it is an — individual geme. The only teamwork in track is relays, and the baten put teamwork in feotracing. If coaches were extremely wise they would have a series of relays, and sandwich in the individual events as sideshows. I was quick to see this back in 1925 when we founded the Kansas Relays. It