Lawrences, Kansas June 9, 19465. . 1 Mr. David Le MacFarlane, Chairman, State Department of Sceoiul Welfare, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Seotty: Was I surprised last night when I read the front page Oe ee eee eee, eee College at Emporia. Congratulations a thousand times, mister, on . this very wonderful honor coming to youe It reflects great credit on you, on Rotary International, ee you have labored so many years. I will not be verbose or unduly flattering in this letter, oly to say thet I em intensely happy for you and your family. With what great pride a man returns to the college as president wherein he was a professor and a dean. You richly deserve this honor, and it will be a happy pleasure to call upon you when I make my weneees as District Governor. cs ie ak ie Waibibaie We iedeehhind dint thaw MacYarlane while she is a student here on the campus, but I am look- With every good wish for your long and happy adminis- tration at Kansas State College, I am Rotarily yours, FCA: AH Governor-elect, District #123.