dme 9, 1945. Miss Ethyl Martin, 406 Springfield Court, Jacksonville 6, Florida. Dear Ethyl: + euntaben Wk not mean to postpone replying to your very good letter this long, but I have done so. I asgure you it was unintentional. I fully expected to write you right away telling you how I appreciated your thinking of us, and further, sitting down and — Congratulations on your position as head of the Health Department. You certainly have two thougand very active youngsters, Iam sure. I have often wondered about Johnny. I had heard that he was not ina uatnnns that he cared to publicize. 7 Mrs. Allen is taking care of our five-months-eld grand~ child, Jane's daughter, Jane was our second youngster, and Eleanor was born here in Lawrence. We have five grandchildren. I am mailing you a Jayhawk Rebounis, a letter that I get out to the boys in the service each month. It tells about the Allen family, and a lot of things you perhaps care little about, but I thought © you might enjoy a part of it because there is a yarn about ea basketball — gane that I know if it was Warrenaburg playing would register a hundred per cent with you. But I think it is written so that you will enjoy it. Thanks for your thoughtfulness in writing. If you ever coms this way, let us know : Wath every good wish to you, I aa NS } Sincerely yours, 7 : Director of Physical Education, FOASAH 7 Varsity Basketball Coach.