The Hirst Presbyterian Church Hredonia, Kansas March 16, 1945 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, ' Director of Physical Education, * University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen: I'm writing this note to assure you that I appreciate your kindnesses to my boy, Jim. He loves sports; but physically is not built to excell in them. Another thing that haw handi- capped him in competitive athletics is that all the way through he has been on the average much younget than most of the ones in his class in school. But his connection with athletics has been a grand thing for him. It has been especially nice of you to take him along and encourage him. We feel very kindly to you for it. Jim is now 18 and,as I am sure you know, he has gone into the Navy and is at Great Lakes. He passed the Eddy test and so I presume will be in line for further training and the advancement that goes with that training. Congratulations on your stand for higher ideals in Inter-collegiate athletics. One of the thrills to me has been the degree of idealism that there has been in sports. It is just too bad when it slips. All power to you and others in holding it high. Very sincerely yours, Fanon E Moody