April 27, 1945. Mr. 0. Myking Mehus, Chief, Vooational Rehabilitation, Veterans Administration, _ 1009 Wyandotte, . Kansas City 6, Mo. ; Dear lr. Mehus: I have been out af tom, whieh accounts for my failure to reply sooner to your inquiry coneerning George M. Dick. George Dick has been « fine football player and a good basketball player on the University of Kansas varsity for both sports. George is a fine, clean, upstanding young man, but I would say that he lacks experience for the type of work such as you des- ‘eribe., He is thoroughly reliable and dependable, but I feel that he hag not hed enough experience for this type of job. His health is excellent. His initiative is fair, I | would say. He gets things done, but not in a vigorous and forceful WAY e . ' Very sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education POALAH Varsity Basketball Coach.