GREAT LAKES BULLETIN ‘age Four: ~ é UP IN THE AIR IN A GOAL-HI GAME. Two Service Schools goal-hi teams battling under the basket in a new game inaugurated here last spring. Goal-hi has become one of the Service Schools Athletic Department’s most popular sports and now has a leading spot in the department’s extensive intramural program. Here you see four men in the air simultaneously. Count the feet, not the men. = ral re 4 nN _ Servi Near Honor scl last week li collective h May, is 95.é Bulk of t final assaul Fleet. A fe advanced tr Duane B 18,:--0f 2 Et Minn., and : mon R. W 20, of Burb Cal., carrie good portio: the schol load with 1 high aver O£:-99. 7 °C | were nat honor mer the Electric Mate Sch and the ] Engineer § Behr lef join the Tt entered wu cian progr Michigan ferring tc was grac school in has a bri class in in serv Duane. Willi: Navy’s enliste: after high s Glend one s trans! Univ« nia Grea 16 v PJ led trol schi uat sch wo chi co! las Vg Carwvzina Grhantle BEEBE iets