July 21, 1945 \ Mrs C. Ge Manning, Principal Fergus Cowrty High School Lewistown, Montana Dear Clarence: . Your splendid letter of the 13th instant pleased me very much, You certainly completed your District Assembly work in a hurry. Congratulations and best whahes to you in all your activities for the year. I have exhausted the list of available men fee the work you describe and I am sorry to not be able to recommend @ young man to yous llowever, I do have in mind an Army Major who played ball for me at the Teacher's College at Warrensburg, Missouri back in 1915 and 1914. I should add this man is in his early fifties and is a vigorous fellow. He has a splendid personality and knows all sports wonderfully well. lie is clean and is not the type of fellow that you think of as a Major in the Army who might do things that would embarass YOU. po til Let me know if you are interested and we will have him contact youe I regret that there are no young men available at the present times, With every good wish, I am Rotarily yours, Governor, district 123 ReIe FCA: MEH