The City - Recreation Information Sheet - Public Schools Lewistown, Montana April 1945 Lewistown is the exact geographical center of Montana. The population of the school district is about 6,000; the city, 5,400. The elevation, 3,800 feet; the rainfall, 17 inches; the climate is delightful with no hot days, and in winter, there will be few days below zero. Violent wind storms are unknown. The city is located in an excellent agri- cultural valley that is surrounded by mountains. ¥ Two railroads, one airline, bus lines and good roads provide excellent transportation facilities. The people are of the very best American stock, no undesirable groups; no poverty or very low income groups; no war industries. - The mountains provide the finest kind of recreation. Within walking distance of the city is one of the best fishing streams in the United States and many more are in the mountains. Wild game is plentiful. Outdoor life is one of the fine assets of this part of the state and nation. Cost of Living - Rooms, houses, and board can be secured for less than in other The School cities of the same size or larger. At the present time prices are at their maximum and will be lower in the postwar period. Rates for rooms in modern homes average about $18 per month. Small houses, unfurnished but modern, average around $25 per month with furnished homes renting for $35 to $45 per month. Good board will average $1.30 to $1.50 per day. The use of an apartment by two or more persons may reduce the costs. System - The enrollment in elementary grades is about 700; in junior high 200, and in high school 500. Fifty-six teachers are employed. The school activities are housed in six buildings. The buildings are all modern and in good condition except two. These will be replaced in the near future by two new buildings incorporating the very best features of a modern building. The average enrollment per class room: in elementary grades, 50; in junior high, 25, and in high school, 23, The program of studies meets the interests and needs of every pupil. Salary Schedule - The rules and regulations governing the employment and payment of teachers have just been revised to meet the present and postwar periods. The schedules are based on sound financial conditions and procedures and can be maintained without fear of reductions. Follow. ing are some of the most important provisions: 1. . Single salary basis - A teacher with the same qualifications and experience receives the same salary in any department in the system.