July 18, 1945 Maurice C. Moggie, Secretary Rotary Club Manhattan, Kansas Dear Secretary Maurice: I have just talked to Tom Griffith and learned that Zo you are the very good Secretary of the Manhattan Rotary Club, ae My Tom of course has told you tiat our district assembly will be > \ at Manhattan on Monday, July 25rd. ‘There will be a lot of | things that we will bother you with,’ or I might say would bother other ‘a but I am sure will not bother youe - Tom is taking the matter up with your board regarding breakfast with the visiting Presidents and Secretaries of Rotary Assembly. I am also expressing Tom a 35 m/n filn, "The MC. of Gogville Rotary” which is to be shown as part of the program of our assembly. You will hear from me again regarding our scheduled time of evente and so forth, but I much prefer time for fellowship | and friendship rather than tésenu oh set program. ~ , We wild have Corlett Cotton our song leader of Lawrence, and Ceeil Hough, our pianist to handle our musio at the assembly. I did not want to impese upon musicians locally for the full day, and since Corlett and Ceoil did the job for us at Olathe, we are : asking them te accompany us to Manhatten. Be ti will be a great pleasure to see you all the 25rd. _ With every good wish I am Sincerely yours, me i / : A a Governor, District 123 Rel. FCA: MEH ces .