June 6, 1945. Mr. Louis EB. Menze, Direstor of Athletics, Iowa State ere Ames, Iowa. Dear Louie: I am confirming my wire of this date, congratulating you on this fine position of yours. If anybody ever deserved it, you do, and have for quite some time. As soon as Harry Morrow of the Journal-World, called me and gave me the information, I called Mrs. Allen and told her the good news. She said to express to you and Mattie her kind- est wishes and she is hoping that your administration will be a great success. Of course, whatever job. a fellow has, he has his troubles, but with your personality ami your ability to meet the public I am sure that you will hold thea to a minimum. I am delighted for you and your fine family. It gives me @ real kick to see you get that job. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation, FCAsAH _ Varsity Basketball Coach.