September 20, 1945. diy 3 HE By a3 Lal Gait qitss ae $ if: i; + Teen cat BS i I 388 i iyin | ay We ak nee nee stn ae fy ee pie Hall sal gs 7 gci ibys Hi it Wit you to you soon I know grass 8 play every day you are here. Irving #111 and Country weather oan Come and spend several days with liike Malott' rest of us would like nothing better. a 8 2 Direstor of Physical Edueation, Veraity Basketball Coach. =~ MEMBER < FEDERAL RESERVE > THe CrrizEns Bank ESTABLISHED 1885 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 ABULENE , KAN. September 17 1943 Doctor Forrest C.Allen Lawrence Kansas As one Rotarian to another may I say Dear Phog; It was just fine of you to arrange the golf game of last Monday on the Lawrence Country Club course, and I want you know of my sincere appreciation. Fellows like you, Irving Hill and Mr Weaver make life worth while, and you all did much to add to my “happy memories" A thousand thanks, and I trust I may again have the privilege and pleasure of joining you three on your beautiful Links. My very kindest regards. Sincerely Micden St ta hot . September 16, 1 943. lr. R. W. Higgins, Manager, Apparatus Sales, Fred HMedart Manufescturing Co., St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Mr. Higgins: I am in reesipt of your letter of September 14th, but note that there was no enclosure. As soon as we receive the certificate mentioned in your letter we shall be glad to sign the same and return to you. In regard to the other items on which you submitted bids in August, these iters have been ordered from the J. E. Porter Corporation of Ottawa, Illinois, and the - stles Athletic Equipment Company of St. Louis. We are reguired to get bids from at least three companies on ali equipment we desire to purchase, and it is usually the custom to purchase at the lowest bid providing the quality is satisfactory. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Lours, Mo. ZONE 18 R. W. HIGGINS MANAGER APPARATUS AND GYM SEAT DIVISION September 14, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen c/o University of Kansas jawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In today's mail we have order from your school covering twenty No. 87M climbing ropes and two No. 1W parallel bars. This order will be entered for immediate atten—- . tion; however, shipment cannot go forward until such fe time as we receive signed certificate as per the attached, from you. Trust that this matter will have your imme- diate attention. j We are anxious to know disposition of the balance of the items on which we submitted quotation under date of August 20. If you are in a position to do so, we will appreciate information from you and through whom the other items of equipment were purchased and at what prices. Needless tosay, we are very appreciative of the order, Rest assured that it will have prompt and proper atten- tion. Cordially yours, RWH: MS STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING___GYMNASIUM APPARATUS___GYM SEATS____BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS September 15, 1943. Mr. Louis Menze, Basketball Coach, BoieeState College, Ames, Towa. Dear Louie: I got the onionskin copy from George Edwards, stating the meeting will be held Sunday, ‘the 19th, at 10 acme at the Hotel Continental. I am acknowledging receipt of your letter. on George Edwards’ onionskin he states, “I do not recall any appointment as secretary," and so forth. Neither do I, Louie. You have always been secretary so far as I am concerned, and at this next meeting I am going to vote for you being the next secretary. I like George Edwards. He is a fine old woman. But the thing that I don't like is to have the secretaryship down at Columbia, Missouri. Sam Shirkey is enough for me, so I would like the — secretaryship of basketball some places else. : So if I put you up it may not be so much of a compliment to you as it is a desire to remove one section of polities from Sam Shirkey, and so forth. See you Sunday at Kansas City, boy. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 15, 1943. Medart Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sirs: I would appreciate it if you would mail me half.a dozen copies of the Goal-Hi Rule Book. I frequently have calls for the Rule Book here at my office, and find it a convenient to have a supply heree Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Miucation, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA September 9, 1943 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN De, Fs OC. Aileen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Our athletic council met yesterday, but as Veenker is out of town today He hasn!t told me just what went on. However, I wrote George Edwards, who is the basketball coaches secretary, and asked him if he would not call a meeting in Kansas City, for Sunday September 19th. I suggested Sunday because Lewandoski is in charge of football at Nebraska and I am working with it here, and Bruce may be down at Oklahoma. I stressed the importance of doting this right away as we are held up on the arrangements of our non.conference schedule until the conference is made. I suggested that the various coaches should get the permission of their directors so that everything is cricket. Best wishes and if you have any ideas about getting this thing to a head let me know. Ne! cca | sketball Coach LM/SM co aig ar eT a Preteen ten Witge Hy CAL. FL BAA Pace “eae Bens, Calg ae