Se eseape. Being asvnentaeind possessed with a confidence in her own power, the eat will leap upon her pray and, exterminate ite 80 should the basketball guard know hos own physical powers and the territory ‘ah he can sucessfully control. Such @ guard will have poise and power and confidence and @ contagious enthusiasm that bodes i111 for an opponent who attempts an offensive thrust into his territory. A versatile and aggressive guard will canbine all the qualities of leadership ab his command to ward off the offensive thrusts of two opponents. Only when out- numbered in manpower is the guard in ‘danger. A highly successful coach uses neither a straight seieitionomens nor a strietly gone defense. He uses a combination of both beeause a straight mnefor-man has its wealmesses, but not as many woalnesses as @ gone, and e straight sone ane wealnesses that are easily evereune. But a manefor-man defense with the zone principle will pay ‘splendid dividends. , \ When a single, guard is forced to play two offensive men he learns to play the principle of the zone defense, wyet he plays the man with the ball and also keeps & weather eye for the other potential scorer. I prefer to toon my defensive fundementals through iimettAtin. We ms \ - i giese ties guard. sever feet in under and in front of the basket. Gy nds ‘Wins \ any olose drives to ‘the basket and at the same tine harass his opponents should they attenpt ‘é shoot. ay 3 The two cttonsiv men in Diagram ‘l are to locate themselves in any fone able position they prefer before the ball is toused to one of them by the oash. They are