September 15, 1943. Lt. (jg) He M. Mason, USNR Hollis N 27, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Mags. _ XK. ¥. Tevidson came in the other day to get your address so that he might send you a copy of the football publicity bro- chure. I hope that you have received it ere now. We will be . getting another Rebounds out shortly and we will have ell the dope in it up to the present when we send it out. Henry Shenk end Elmer Schaake are doing a good job, and ZI believe they will turn out a fine team according to the avail- able material. It is not too hot, but all in all, it is pretty good. I read your letter with much interest and am happy to know that you are anxious to get to sea. One more month won't seem long when you are as busy as you are. I agree with en that after seventeen months a fellow wants to get going. | sure that your good work will qualify you splendidly for your going. I received a letter from T. P. Hunter, dated September 2, He is in the Southwest Pasific and those little islands, you know. He is now first lieutenant. He had been reported missing, and he gays, "No, sir, Doc, you got me wrong. I am not missing in action end hope I never am. I am still very mush in the hands of dear ~ old Uncle Sam." That lifts a great load from our shoulders because “we were worried that T. perhaps had had bad luck. But he is up and coming, and that makes us all happy. Clint Kanaga spent some time couvalescing here in Lawrence from his malaria. He was at our home for meals a number of times and he had some very interesting stories. He is now back in San Diego furtue commissaing end it wa't te long before he will be going out again. Thank you for your kind words regarding last year's basket- ball season. It was a surprise to the boys to get away as well as we did. We gave Great Lakes all they wanted and up until the last sixty seconds we had then en relief. Tt was anybody's