If the guard is successful in breaking up the play of the two offensive men without a field goal being ween upon him, the guard wins. If the offense scores two goals out of the five, the offense wins. A tie score would be when the offensive side scores one goal out of five tries. Naturally the more goals scored by the offense the more emphatic would be the offensive vietory in the five tries. The men are rotated, each man on the squad taking the guard's position. This rotation also includes the eltinekvs men tentil every man on the squad has had doth offensive and defensive training on attack and defense. The scores of each performer's effort should be recorded. Consistently outstanding per- formers will invariably attract attention. There is no better method of teach- ing éeani fundamentals then through such competitive practice drills. During the defensive drills the coach centers on defensive pedagogy teaching that the defensive guard is a wary performer. Never will he let either of the two forward slip in’ behind him, nor will he go out too deep and leave his goal un- defended. As new situations arise he will kmow just when to advance or to retreat. Should the offense attempt a shot from out in front he will constantly project physique and jis personality into both the visual and the mental peths of the shooter. Wes ther will he ever ain his back upon either opponent for a moment, As an aid to efficient footwork he will intershange between the first basemgn's step and the boxer's stance, as occasion demands. The plen of teaching defense using five separate competitive scrimmage tries conforms with recognized principles of teaching, and it is consistently carried out in each of the following ‘set-ups. Diagrem 2. Second stage, three offensive men on ‘two defensive mene In this situation the two defensive men are being opposed by three offensive players, according to the principle of a strata of man-for-man defense and a } ; L i