April 4, 1944. Mr. George D. MacLeod, Maryaville, Kangas. Dear George: = just called Karl Klooz for an interpretation of the professional ruling. At the last meeting of the Big Six the faculty representatives barred any profes- sional in any sport. The regular rules always barred professionals, but during the war time they made a loose interpretation and professionals were permitted to play last yeare Yos, I remember your writing me ebout this boy and I was wanting to get the interpretation before — telling you definitely. He is a great athlete, but I am afraid hia college competition is out at the present “time. I am sorry that I cannot give you wore favorable NCWS Give Mel Kraemer and the Marysville boys my kindest regards. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, _ PGA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.