March 23, 1944. Mr. Veston Mitohel1, Coach, Central High Sehool, Minneapolis, Mimmesota. Dear Coach Mitchell: Yes, I do remenber you, wees ne th may com to yet. 1 andi: eke © ch sen Garments cin? late and lamented friend, Ray Parkins. It was a decided shock when I learned of Ray's passing, be- cause he of all men, I thought, would be the 3 a ee ae ee ar @ grand boy and a splendid companion. It is that we never can unierstand. | Ss Aicias te breed ven caine ek Kh ee you that I would go along with your idea one hundred per cent. _ only criticism I have been making of many of the auggestions of the basketball rules comnittee is mainly that they are discriminatory. Dees this rule of yours permit both the offense and the defense the samo latitude? If you would pormit the defense to say. in thet area then he could still bat the ball away from the basket. The way the rule reads the defeiisive man might take two steps in any direotion and then change his direction and still camp around the basket. tion't you elaborate upon this idea of yours? — I am sending you a copy of a broadcast that I made last Thursday, March 16th over the University station. You can get my idea concerning some of the rules. Personally, I am not on the rules committee and have been very much disappointed at the college coashes' lassitude in doing something constructive about the rules. About the only time a college coach seems exercised about a rule is when he has an opponent against his team that is ap’ to defeat him. There are few ee eee ee ee ee ee I ey With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, | : Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. J