March 15, 1944. and he gave a fine response to your generosity. We are coming along fine, Sem, and your gift certainly stimulated better giving. We are wishing for the time when this fuss will be over and be back in your accustomed place in the postoffice. I just ge Hulteen, somewhere in India, this morning, and expressed that he and you and the other men in the service would at )able to return by Christmas, 1944. I may be too optimistic, oo 3 s E aeea tL 4 want to thank you again for the fine compliment that you We didn't have a great outfit, but we do have a fine The very day that your letter arrived Louie Menze came us a good spanking to win for him a tie for first place and his spanking threw us back in a tie with Missouri gecEE rte bgee i ee a anpy af your letter to Roule Manse. We used » but when he moved up with higher company he wanted 4 the same as Alf Landon wanted the "Fox" Landon stuff he ran for governor. “Boob”, of sourse, means baby guess his short stature caused him to prefer Louie. Anyhow, you. never hear "Boob" any nore, but I lnow it will sound good to his ears eoming from you. Again, thanks a million, Sam. You are a swell guy. i te ine tT 1 Very sincerely yours,