June 22, 1944. Way e v gti cow Hoge cds thag eA amare ag ha which is self-explanatory. | 3 \ Lt. MoWilliams is a Pem State craduste, as is his brother. set att Suis enw extent athletes. I am well acquainted with Lt. Mc- Williams, he having visited in our home a great mmber of times, and later having been stationed at the Hutchinson, Kansas, Naval Air Base. My son, Pfe. Robert B. Allen, who is a senior medic at the University of Pemsylvania, played with Lt. MoWillians at Pennsylvania on their championship intramural tasketball team. Lt. McWilliams took his law degree at Pennsylvania after getting his 5B. & degree at Pem State, and in that way he and my son became well acquainted. Lt. McWilliams is an All-American athlete, standing six feet four inches. Winter before last hs played on the Naval Pre-Flight team at Chapel Hill, N.C. I have every reason to believe that Lt. Melfilliams’ brother is well qualified, and aince Lt. MoWillioms did not give mo his brother's name and since I do not imaw where he lives, I am sending a letter to my son asking that he send it on to the home address of the brother. I do not know of the athletic ability of the brother, nor of his coaching abilities, but Penn State has had fine basketball teams, ani after seeing Lt. McWilliams play I am convinced that his brother would be well quali-e Pied to teach and to demonstrate basketball. At least I am trying to pass om the name of e candidate to you, since I do not have any other to recommend. All my boys are in the service or in positions that they would not care to leave at present. Very sincerely yours, | Direstor of Physical Education, _PCA:AH 7 Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc oe