April 6, 1944. Mrs De C. Martindell, 601-606 Wolcott Bldg., Mutechinson, Kensas. Dear Happy: No, I am not surprised at all that you are the chairman of your local committee to find a new pastor for your local Congregational Church. I would rather expect it. i have checked up regarding. Kev. Lawrence Deever and I find upon good authority css gg is a very affable and personable young man. le is very energetic and meets people especially well. He is not of the back-slapping variety, but is one who moves easily and favorably into your personality. oe Ae ENS crt te Oe yng aA He is modern, but not too midern to do a constructive piece of work in a church. He doubtless would do an exceptional piece of work. Of course, five more years on his shoulders would enhence his velue greatly, as these added yeare of experience always do to a young man. He has served here as secretary of the Ministerial Alliance and they have now moved him up to the vice presidency. ile has also served on the recreationel council for the summer playground work. He is a re- presentative of the Ministerial Alliance. Prom the very authentic source that I have gleaned this inform- ation it is my opinion that he would deserve your very wise and care- ful consideration. He has great promise, I am told, and I beiieve he would welcome definitely a change to the Congregational Church. Doubtless with his se-called modernity there might be some unpleasantries associated with the fast aud staid United Brethren doctrine. From every source that I have contacted I found nothing but high praise for him. From one minieter who is not a member of either flock I asked him to rate him in his own church, if he were a member of this faith. The minister rated him ninety plus, so you can see that the estimation of him among ministers is. very high. If there is further information that you wish, or any way that I ean serve you, please command me. With ali good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, oe ical Education, PCA: AH varelty sro Pye ——