Pago Ze chairmanship of Miss Joanno Johnson who will mako 4 soparato report on this phase of tho Union Building's functions. | Tho Union Building has faced gravo difficultios in collecting Union Building momborship fcos from tho sorvicomen, This difficulty has conĀ» fronted practically overy Union Building in tho country whoro a military unit is housed and to dato no satisfactory solution has boon arrived at in order to mako an oquitablo distribution an hovtne tho costs of social activitios as botwoon civilians and sorvicomon. Roprosentations have boon mado to military authoritios in Washington through tho Association of Collogo Unions by numcorous unions throughout tho country to tho cffoct that tho civilian union feo should also bo compulsory on tho sorvicomone Tho military authoritios have most doe cidedly rofuscod to ondorso this typo of collection and havo ineietad that it bo kopt on a voluntary paymont basig in so far aos tho sorvicomon aro sonsceneBeĀ® Tho financial report which follows this roport will indicato how succossful our offorts havo boon to placo the foo collection on tho voluntary basis. Tho student body hag accoptod the sorvicomon in tho Union Building in a vory gracious fashion and continuo to accopt the noccssary ourtailmonts of activitics duo to tho war in a wholo hoartod way. Rospoctfully subebtbeds Honry Wornor ne mi cca Raps eek ewan hn ee Si ha ince