3 2 ES ics a aie ea eae ea UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL CORPORATION BY=LANS ARTICLE I «= Name Section 1; The name of this corporation shell be es stated in its charter, University of Kanses Memorial Corporati on. ARTICLE II -= Board of Directors _-- Seetion 1; The direction end management of the affairs of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation shall be vested on a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be twenty-one in numbers : Section 2; The Board of Directors shall be composed of the original 2] named in the charter together with such others as have been elected by the board to fill vacancies. Vacencies in the present beard shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining directors at eny regular emual meeting, provided « director my be elected at any whaiitetly called apestal meeting to fill a vacancy occurring since the lest amual meeting. Bach meiber of the boerd shall be elected for one year end until hie successor in elected end qualifies, except a director elected to fill a vacency shall hold office only until the next emual meeting. , ARTICLE III — officers Section 1: The officers of this corporation shall be a president, no less then three vice prestdents, a secretary, a treasurer, ond en auditor. The president and the vice-presidents shall be chosen Sven the meahers of the Board of Directors. Section 2s The duties of t he president shall be to ovesite at all meetings and to be the chief executive head of the Board of Directors. the duties of the vicee presidents shall be the same as the president in the absence of + he latter. The duties of the secretary shall be to keep soowere end*complete records of all business transacted by the Board of Directors. fhe duties of the treasurer shall be to collect and pay mt oll funds upon the warrmt of the secretary end president when duly authorized in the menner prescribed by the Board of Directorse He shall execute such bond as the Board of Directors prescribe, The duties of the auditor shall be to ex- amine carefully ell olaims made against the organization and make such recommendations to the committee as he deems proper for the actim of such committees Rite aE ohm tC oc uh pea gle tb Besa sh a3 aa cn ; od ss ' , eat A es aa A Ea a a a a a NR i a oa a he yl a a ei hale