oe pepe perenne ent eee Joe ere meer April 14, 1944 Mr. Honry Wernor, Chime, Momorial Union Corporation Doar Sirs In acoord with your roquost I have propared the attachod statomont of condition of Kansas Union at the closo of March, 1944.6 Anticipated recoipts aro basod on améunts for which tho Gove ormmont has boon or will bo billed, and invontorios consist of the cost of goods on hand as dotormined by physical invone torics taken at tho ond of tho poriods Accounts payable aro subject to minor rovisions which my bo discovorod as bills aro audited for paymoente It should bo carofully pointod out that the large surplus figuro is misloading becauso it would appoar that a profit ig accruing to tho Union from the operation of the two mile itary mossing programs, Howovor, tho contracts provide that tho mess halls must bo opcrated at cost and theso contracts are subjoct to periodic ronogotiation amd rovisione For somo timo your costs on tho Army Mossing Program havo boon running somowhat loss than tho Army has advanced, thoreby creating a liability which will havo to bo deducted from future paymonts from the Army, It is not possiblo at this timo to dotermino tho amount of those ovorpaymonts.s Furthermore the Union has roccived cortain administrative foos, a portion of which may oventually bo duc tho Univore sity, and likowise the University has not romittod to tho Union the amounts duoc for tho uso of faciliticse Therefore it would scom reasonable to concludo that tho not rosult of tho mossing program cannot be doterminod until thoro is a final accounting at the tormination of the program, Rospoctfully submitted, Clifton C, Calvin, Auditor Studont Organization Fund