Meee Tk SA ee August le 1944, Lt. Col. R. Le Markley, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Dear Red: —— delighted that the Markleys have a very affeble, beautiful and versatile daughter who plans to attend the University of Kansas this September. The Allens are pleased because we will see more of the Markleys in Lawrence. Now, frankly, iat inde tales ania sib in el, except that I ama member of the local draft board which meets twice a week, have just finished a term as president of Rotary, have had charge of the Douglas County War Fund drive and the Douglas County Red Cross drive, as woll as similar drives for the University, in addition to my regular schedule of teaching and coaching. And the fact that gasoline Tan ce es tease nad aus cc a oe ce ame re ee es a ee ee oo ees use it occasionally. “ / All of that is no excuse why I should not have responded to that golf and dinner date over at Fort Leavenworth. The fact was, I was so confounded numb and dumb that I failed to call on you the evening I spoke at the enlisted men's basketball league dinner on the 13th of March. ee nen Sas Se ck. Se aaa Nemnne 2% 0-0 forced drive when I made the trip. a | sible Misi sin ian. Saad 0h Wels ile liad ntl here's the catch. Our youngest married daughter was home for five weeks from Philadelphia. Our second married daughter, the wife of a lieutenant aviator in the Navy, is coming Friday for five days, and our oldest daughter with a family of three from Palo is expected to arrive about September first. So the household is ting occupants in it, more in a relay mamer than the old order of things. Bobby, who will finish school at the University of Pennsylvania the middle of September, Will arrive about October first to do his interneship at Rosedale. However, I imagine he will do a lot of commuting until he gets settled. { might be afraid of my golf game, but I wuld never be afraid : of putluck at the Markleys. 3