August 28, 1943. Mr. Me He Malott, President, Citizens Bank, eas Abilene, Kansas. | Dear Mr. Malott: 7 last night Chancellor and Mrs. Malott were out at the Country Club to a dimer party with us. The Chancellor spoke of your desire some time to play the Lawrence Country Club course. I told the Chancellor that I was going to write you and invite you pd sip Mon ag eau a maaeaia etna ait We would be delighted — to have you at any time. I have in mini a foursome that I am sure you will enjoy. Mr. Irving Hill, the president of the Lawrence National Bank, and I play quite often. There is another young gentleman about your age, Mr. Harry A. Weaver, who formerly was vice president of the Kansas City Southern Railway Company, who now lives here in Lawrence after | his retirement as viee president. He is a good golfer and I am sure that all of us would enjoy you golfing on the Jayhawk course. Monday noon at 12:30 is the weekly meeting of Rotary Club. Since the Chancellor is a member of Rotary I thought it might be possible som Nonday for you to come in and attend the Rotary ee ee these gentlemen at your convenience after lunch. T am sorry that we do not have an eighteen-hole course. We closed nine holes last spring to keep the wolf fron the door. But we do have a lovely nine~hold course. The fairways are in wonderful shape and the greens are even better. Don't put off your coming, but write me at your convenience and any time you make a date will be agreeable to us. I renember with great pleasure my speaking at Abilene Retary Club when you were in attendance some three or four years ago. Sincerely yours, ‘Direstor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.