June 17, 15943. Dr. B. Al Marquard, 4500 Olive, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Al: : Through my precrastinative qualities I find that I have. failed to write you in appreciation of your splendid professional services which you rendered me while I was attending the convention in St. Louis in May. I fully expected to do this upon my return, but I had some commencement addresses and was out of town ae some tim, and failed in my objective. I want you to know how very muck I appreciated your splendid peofessional services, but above that I enjoyed my visit with you imonsely. It was highly enjoyable to me, I assure you, to span a few years that morning of May a By the wey» Al, Kansas has a football game scheduled with Washington University. You told me that Washington had folded up athletically for the duration in all sports. Is this true? I told some of our people here that it was my impression that Wash- ington would not play, but they said they had heard nothing from Washington and they are still carrying the footbell game on their schedule. Won't you write me and give me the “off the record” ing formation? I will appreciate it beeause our football coach here, * Hemry Shenk, is desirous of knowing what his schedule is for next fall With deep appreciation and all good wishes, I am Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.