2-1211 THE DA 52 ¥ OKLAH MA OKLAHOMA FF _y TT I MS THE FARMERS-STOOG MA ‘April 14, 1943 Dr. Dorrest C. Allen Univepsity of Sansas awrence, “an. Dear Doctor Allen: I'm sorry if my comments on the selection of Yklahoma for this district s representative in the N.C.A.A. playoff were construed by anyone as @ charge that you actually got in touch with anyone to attempt to influence his vote in the matter. I do realize that your position on N.C.A.A. matters would preclude that, if nothing else. ee What I was trying to convey (and I must have failed as a newspaperman) was that your opinions and judgment carry enough® weight with Clyde McBride that he, perhaps unconsciously, voted as you would have voted--- and, ! thought, as would have pleased you.e I am interested to learn that your opinion was the “ggies should have Aad a playoff with Uklahoma. I apolbgize if I wronged you in my original assumption. 1 met Mr. MeBride in Kansas City at the playoffs and he was still pretty warm about the Aggie-Kansas game in Lawrence and A very frank in saying his vote was influenced by that game. He was ‘aaa equally frank in his admiration for you. : _ I'm glad to hear now that your pique, if there was any, over that Lawrence game did not have any bearing on the ultimate selection. Let me offer belated congratulations on Kansas' season and obse#ve that if Uncle “am had delayed his call a little longer, this talk about N.C.A.A. selections would have been non-existent--- since the “ayhawks would have been in Kansas City and the also-rans at home. I thmought “ay “vans was one of the finest players I saw all season. Hal Middlesworth