jf? Pebruary 12, 1943. St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Be Jes I was happy to have your letter of the first instant, and beg pardon for the deley in answering. ‘Thanks for sending the tear sheet from Time. The magazine had sent me one but I ———— EE I am glad to hear about Roy Weinzettel being looated at Warrena- burg. Iwill drop hima line. You know I was at the Teachers College in Warrensburg from 1912 to 1919 as athletic director and coach of all sports. We made the best seven-year record there that I have made in any one seven-year period. Jack Mathews and I had quite a bit of correspondence on the adjust- able goal. From my book, “Better Basketball", he quotes what I have to say regarding the craduated heights of a basxetball goal for grade achools, junior high and high school players, and then I of course added the college players for a 12 foot basket. Answering your question regarding the attachment for the new and existing basketball backstop with height adjustment, I think that it will come in time, but doubtless the war will slow up the time deter- miner somewhat. I am not definitely able to state regarding the need for quick adjustment, or only at rare intervals. In all schools where the building is used for different ages I think the quick adjustment perhaps would be a good thing. If we could have a series of slots for this height adjustment it would be a great thing. There is a good deal to be said about the steel fan-shaped bank coming into general use in the post-war period. There is a big fight on between the eastern coaches and the high school federation. The eastern college coaches do not want the fan-shaped board and they do not want the molded ball. They want the stitched ball. It seems as if Porter, of Chicago, and the high school people are very strong for the fan-shaped steel board -- and incidentally, so am I - and they have antagonized the eastern college coaches with the small board.