Septenber S, 1942. Mir. Eugene Malone, Chase, Kansas. Dear Eugene: i am very happy to have you write me as as you did regara- ing the training with ber bells, and so forth. I be- lieve that we cen work out a program where it will be ea possible to have you enroll all the men who are enthusias- tie students of your favorite weight-training and barbell instruction. Whe is your friend who expects to attend £.U. this — fall who has hed five years of training? i would be glad to have you come in the office and talk with me when you arrive. I can visualize the possibility of utilizing one of the three mornings eech week for your group for this type of instruction. The other two periods will be diver- sified, including short conditioning exercises and inoor- porating the motor skills of running, jumping, leaping, veulting and climbing. < an wey teed te eneennes or ial roe in the furtherance of their skills and their desires. I will await your coming with pleasure. . Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, ' FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.