PTET PRION Chase, Kansas Aug,. 25, 1942 Dr, Forrest C, Allen 105 Rob, Gym, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen I am writing to you in reference to the physical fittness pro- gram that will be given to K, U, students this fall, I am an ardent believer in training with bar-bells, Kansas University has never offered such training to its students, I would like to know if it would be possible to have a small « classiin weight training under the supervision of some member of the physical éducation faculty, I know several boys who attend «~~ the University that regularly train with weights, It wuld ~' please us creatly if we could secure your permission to have a class in weight training, Pertaining to the problem of materials and instructors--We have our own weisht training equipment, consisting of bar-bells and dumb-bells, ‘We have from 155to 200l1bs. sets, We are not new at weight training, Whe have all had at least two years of weight trainiae experiance, A friend of mine who is going to K, U,. this fall, has had five years of training, We have all taken courses in body building by weights from the great-Bob Hoffman, editor of the Strength and Health magazine, manufacturer of York Bar-Bells, trainer of the U. S. Olympic weight-lifting teams, author of many books, and one of the directors of Civilian Defense in Charge of Physical Training,