September 8, 1942. I regretted that it was impossible to have the pleasure of greeting you on Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago when I came in with Charlies Black, Jr., and his father. I was present at the induction of Charles into the Aviation Reserve and was much impressed with his induction. I always get a thrill from every occasion such as this. When a man takes his oath it is something sacred and stimlating. The purpose of this letter is to invite you and your family, along with Serzeant wm. and any of the other boys in the office, to the games we y in Kansas City. we are playing several games there and I went you to mow that we would be happy to have you as our guests when the University of Kansas plays in Municipal Auditorium. I am sending you our basketball schedule so that you can list the dates, and if you will be kind enough, prior to these games, to inform me that you and your family or the boys in the office can be present we will make provision for you. | At the moment the name of the major who inducted Charles Slips my mind. Will you please convey to him the same in- vitation that we are extending to you? I think it was Major Head. Assuring you of our gratification in knowing you, and ng your courtesies, I am, with kindest personal & Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. . ;