Affiliated NATIONAL HOTELS Alabama Birmingham HOTEL THOMAS JEFFERSON Mobile HOTEL ADMIRAL SEMMES District of Columbia Washington HOTEL WASHINGTON Ulinois Rockford HOTEL FAUST Lonisiana New Orleans HOTEL JUNG HOTEL DE SOTO Mississippi Meridian HOTEL LAMAR Nebraska a HOTEL PAXTON New Mexico Clovis HOTEL CLOVIS Oklahoma Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA BILTMORE Wewoka HOTEL ALDRIDGE South Carolina Cheon HOTEL WADE HAMPTON Texas Alice HOTEL ALICE Austin HOTEL STEPHEN F. AUSTIN Big Spring HOTEL SETTLES Brownwood HOTEL BROWNWOOD HOTEL SOUTHERN Cisco HOTEL LAGUNA El Paso HOTEL CORTEZ Fort Worth HOTEL TEXAS Galveston HOTEL BUCCANEER HOTEL GALVEZ HOTEL JEAN LAFITTE CORONADO COURTS JACK TAR COURT MIRAMAR COURT HOTEL CAVALIER Laredo HOTEL PLAZA Lubbock HOTEL LUBBOCK Marlin HOTEL FALLS San Angelo HOTEL CACTUS San Antonio ANGELES COURTS Virginia Mountain Lake HOTEL MOUNTAIN LAKE * flor Paxton Operated By Nebraska National Hotel Company OmanaA, NEBRASKA Executive Office December 15, 1942 Dre Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: No word ---- the old adage states that no news is good news. I wonder if this applies in my case. It is my fervent hope that you will allow me the privilege of taking care of your requirements in March. I realize it is early for the con- pletion of plans, however, a teply from you would lend encouragement.. Why not just write a few lines on the bottom of this letter in order that I know where I stand. My kindest personal regards, on's greetings,