December 8, 1942. Mr. Arthur Morse, 10 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois. This will acknowledge your good letter of December 5th. I feel as badly about the situation as you de. I am sending you a schedule that was made earlicr in the year which shows the Fort Leavenworth Reception Center and Camp Crowder, of Neosho, Missouri, in a double-header game in Kansas City on Jenuary 16th in Municipal Auditorium. Lieut. Krickhan had written me insisting that we play some of the Army teams since we played the Navy and Pre-Flight School teams, so we thought we should give the Army a shot. Consequently, we agreed to play Camp Crowder at Neosho as an accommodation = . © to them, but we had previously arranged the double-header - Kansas to play both service teams the same night in Kensas City es a possible drawing card. When Captain O'Sullivan wrote ms that the commanding general had erdered the cancellation of all Fort Leavermworth Reception Center's games, of course I thought perhaps Cemp Crowder would release us from the January 16th date in Kanses City. But they were not and are not willing to do so. I would be in a particularly bed spot te canea) an Army game when the Army insisted on playing. Of course what the soldiers want is to come to Kansas City on a week-end, and the 16th is Saturday night. When the Big Ten cancelled their non-conference games away from home as @ political gesture thet left us free to play a college team. We had our allotted number of college games, but thero was no limitation on ser- vice teams. That is why, at one time, I was not in a position to play on account of the non-cancellation of Iowa, and after the Iowa cancellation I was permitted one extra college game. When Camp Crowder refused to call this off then that blecked my 16th date. I was wmder the impression that I could be released from that. | ) Now I believe you can see why, having the 16th blocked, I agreed to play a game with St. Louis University on our return trip from New York. This date is January 1. Had I been able to have gotten the 16th of denuary free I assure you that I would have closed with your team, but it was @ series of complications which I could not sciroumvent. I trust that this explanation is satisfactory to you, and I sincerely hope that you will be able to get Michigan State to change to the 16th