DE PAUL UNIVE RSITY « DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS 2235 Sheffield Avenue « Chicago * [Illinois *» Telephone Diversey 4340 ATHLETIC BOARD Hon. John A. Sbarbaro Rev. Joseph G. Phoenix, C. M. Rev. Comerford J. O'Malley, C. M. Harry D. Taft Paul J. Mattei Arthur B. Morse DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Paul J. Mattei GRADUATE MANAGER Dr. Forrest C. Allen =2- December 5, 1942 That would leave the 23rd open . In the event you could make the 25rd, but not the 16th I would call Van Alstyne and check with him, to avoid further complications. However, I hope you can make January 16th. Anxiously awaiting your reply, I remain Very sincerely yours, os AM:GB Graduate Manager 10 South La Salle Street 4 4 RS ep ae PR GOS ERS aE i AR ao ea gS aR ln es Sa SO ee NS pot as Aa ae eS i