October 27, 1942. Mare He Ac Marple, Editor, Hongsante Megazine, St. Louis, ¥issouri. Dear Mr. Marple: Your letter of October 19th, addressed to the Publicity Depastment of the University of Kensas, has been referred to me for reply, ee with Dr. Naismith. I am enclosing some biographical material conserning Pr. Neismith, end also a statement that I made at the time of his death. I would also like to refer you to a book written by - dames Naismith entitled “Basketball - Its Origin and selene. published by the Association Press, 547 Medison Avenue, New York City. I am sure you would find much valuable mterial in this book for your article. I have hanging in my office a framed copy of the original rules of basketball as written and signed Dr. Neismith in 1891. I am sorry thet we do. not have in this office a photograph of Dr. Naismith. which we could send you, but I have asked our sports pbliaity direter to sant you int he bee evediabie. ee is anything further that we can send you = a pleasure t hear from you. Very sincerely yours, ~ . Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. inc.