Put, Russecu GE. MAr (O,8. ARMY SIGNAL SORP Russell Mai Zi. SOUTH PIFTH 8T. hARAMIE, WYOMING Year Birks — Yoo MiGttT THINK THIS Is) AN UNUSUAL REQUEST, T AW ONE SE 30 LOYAL KANSANS STATIONED 6vT THERE (8 THE HILLS oF WYdHNING — AS YOU UONDoULRTOLY KNOW | WYOMING SMINERSITY HAS A VERY Goon BASKET BALL TEAM THIS YEAR aor AND 0 A MARUEhoUS REcoRO~ HoOwevVER yy BELIEVE THAN OVER A PERIONW «cf YEARS— THE TAYHAWIHERS HAVE Wir. ywcmsetues Be Be we ce the bea TEAMS IN THE BATION —— THE WrOWING COWBDYS OONT THINK HANSAS (tS So MOT OR SveERKR HAS BEEL— IH FAcr THEY SEEU Pe. THOR THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES eared LOY KWH Ho to PLAY BASHETSALL— WOOoUCcO YOU (PLEASE SEND TS ME A Record ©F KANSAS ONIWERS ty SAShETSALL——NOT Fuse THIS “YEAR~ Cot StmceE tHEY HAVE PLAYED THE GAME —F THIVA ABUT 3D WANSANS, soutp BE very trAPpY TS REcewe SOc LIVFGRMATIOO— LT AM Sore WE ARE VRSING Fb Par ANSAS ON THE NAP ~ AWD KANSAS ONIVERSITYS PASHET CALL RECORD 1s ONE THING SNIKH Write SORELY HEL e, AbsSo IF YOU NAVE ANY {UFO, WHicp US LLL COMPARE AMS. SIG Sik THE Mo LCALLEY With TNE ConRERENE omic WY¥EMIbG Os 14h) —— 1 wick AbLse BE APP REC ATOO — ALL Goo.) OR BAD WEWs— CHEER POLLY ACC EPTE Us ae. YouRKR hOYAL BACHERS 3° KANSAW S April 5, 1943. I noknowledge with thanks your cheek covering royalty on the Goal-fi sales for the quarter ending March Sl, 14c. With appreciation, I am . \ { Sincerely yours, POA: Al Varsity " Comms \ \ \ \ ‘ 4 j IK \ \ : / | \ ie! \ /\ Se } es j \ / | ji , FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louis, Mo. J. BANASHEK SECRETARY April 2, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We enclose eheck covering royalty due on Goal-—Hi sales for the quarter ending March 31, 1943. Yours very truly, FRED MEDAnT MANUFACTURING CO. a JB*R Secretary STEEL LOCKERS____STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____ GYM SEATS_____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS April 6, 1943. lz. Pred J. Tuerk, Sports Editor, SAVITAR, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear Mr. Tusrk: Immediately upon receipt of your letter of files for something that you could use. I trust that you have heard from him by this time. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. a 2a STUDENT | e UNIVERSITY 0 F MISSOURI : - os i a4 4 * c 6:4 a8 48, Oe ee a pieces S— March 13 Mr. Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Sansas Dear Wr. Allen: We, the Savitar, are in dire need of basketball action pictures because of the scarcity of shots around here. If the Kansas publicity department or a local paper has any shots of Missouri games, we would appreciate any cooperation you might give us. Thought perhaps you might have taken few shots when the Tigers played in Lawrence. Thanking you in advance and hoping you can do us some good, I remain, sincerely, ohied fied Fred J. Tuerk Sports Editor P.S, We will be more than gldd to pay for them if you have any. BURGER, 25971088 TOM PAZ BUSA NE SS MAW GS ER Maroh 29, 1943. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, «BCAsall Varsity Basketball Coach. March 26, 1943. Mr. de Ae Mohiline, 465 Walmt St., York, Pae Dear Mr. Mohiline: I greatly appreoiate your fine letter of March 6th, end regret my delay in answering your inquiry. i have written a text entitled “Better Basketball" whieh, I am sure, would be very interesting to you. The beok is profusely illustrated with action photographs end diagrams. individual offense and defense end tean offense and defense are treated exhaustively. | "Better Basketball” is published by MeGraw Hill and _ Company of New York, and is priced at $4.00. It is nn sale at most book sterss and sporting goods firms. However, if you. should desire an autographed copy T would be happy to send it to you postpaid upon receipt of your cheek or money order for $4200. It has never been ow custom to mail a book c.0ed. I am enclosing some descriptive material so that you may imow somethine more of the contents of the book. I shall be happy to hear from you again. | Sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education, FCA:An 7 Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS THE SCHOOL OF LAW LAWRENCE ce of the Dean Y Yh ee ae) = aa (ad K ae ft : 2 af é ee U3 By ‘ ES Py Hf i i an i iii aay! sé oh ify ft a 4 qi 2B _ He i id He al 8 sf all ja! i : a : ‘iy We ih is ii : aun a Wie Ad 4h i Maroh 15, 1943. Bre As Na Murphey, First National Bank and Trust Co., Oklahomm City, Okla. Deer Murph: Thenke, old fellow, for your prompt response to my inquiry. I got a letter from Pip end everything is o.Kke xy too, am pleased that you were happy with the basketball results. We had some tough sledding. With ell good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Versity Basketball Conch. HUGH M. JOHNSON PRESIDENT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ESTABLISHED 1889 OKLAHOMA Criry, OKLA. March 9, 1943 TRUST DEPARTMENT KENT B. HAYES, VICE PRES. & TRUST OFFICER A. N. MURPHEY, ASSISTANT TRUST OFFICER Cc. P. WRIGHT, ASSISTANT TRUST OFFICER Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dre Allen: Granville Scanlan is Assistant City Attorney with offices in the Municipal Building, 200 North Walker, and he lives at 2121 N. W. 26th Street. I have been following the basketball games and was very much pleased with the season that ended Saturday night, Sincerely yours, ANM :MJJ March 15, 1943. Mr. Louis Eg. Menze, Iowa State College, Ames, Towa. Dear Louie: \ Thanks a million, Louie, for your sincere words of congratulation. You not only congratulate a fellow, but you make im vain. But I know, Louie, that I an not getting younger - I am getting older and older. And the “teugher to beat” statement was only due to the fact that you had a iot of sophomores who didn't have enough experience. You certainly give me a whale of a battle every time we meet at Anes. tT *% imagine we will have mueh in the way of competitive athletics next year but after the war is over we will sure have a lot more fun. With all good wishes to you and yours, T em Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. : IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA March 5, 1943. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN pr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doc: Congratulations again on another championship. As you get older, you get younger looking, and tougher to beat. My best to Evans and Buescher, and the other members of the team. Don't know what the future holds for us athletically, but we can all hope it won't be too many years before we are back to normal again, Best. wishes. Sincerely, — eee ) i > uis Menze Basketball Coach LM/SM pow - panei re Albert N. Murphey, Oklahoma City, Okla. Dear Murph: I have written to Grenville &. "Pip" Seanlen, at 516 Equity Building, Oklahoma City, Okla. If Pip Scanlan is not at this address can you tell me where I oat find him, as I am anxious to hear from hin. Doubtless my letter will be forwarded to Pip, but I just wanted you to check on him and let me know : he is in you vicinity. Thanks E were to our group when we were in Oklahoma City. You With all good wishes to you and yours, Very sincerely yours, . | Director of Physical Education, PCAs AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Pebruary 26, 1945. Miss Helen Stanley, Acoounts Receivable, Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, UG Dear Miss Stanley: I have your letter of February 19th, and we presume that the charge of $2.85 is for our player, Charlie Black. I thought we had paid all of our bilis. If he didn't signify that he was a member of the basketball team then the sharge might not appear on our account. If you will send me nee card, or tell me what was on it, we will send a sheck for the amount. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. CONRAD H. MANN, CHAIRMAN oF Boaro SAMUEL J. WHITMORE, Execut - ibis ees BARNEY L. ALLIS, Presipent Le! L Muchlobe cb BALTIMORE AVENUE AND TWELFTH STREET TRIANON HOTEL CO. Zt Ex ANSALS aly, : £1 i February 19, 1943 Mr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: © I am writing you about a charge made in our Coffea Shop and signed Charles Black on = 16. The © charge was in the amount of $2:85, is oS This may net be your charge at all, but would =& appreciate your inquiring for me if this could have been made by the Charles Black on your team. — ww The charge did not have a rpom number on it and | I have been unable to lecate any other Charles Black that was staying here in the peers at that time. I would appreciate hearing from you if you are able to give me any information in regard to the check, Very truly yours, HOTEL MUEHLEBACH HELEN STANLEY Accounts Receivable FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louis, Mo. E. J. MEDART PRESIDENT February 1é, 19 43 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have your letter of February 12. It was nice to. hear from you. The information given is very interest— ing. Of course, our so-called post-war period may be con- siderably in the future, but we are all hoping that it will not be so awfully long. With best wishes, I remain Sinetrely, EJM: MS STEEL LOCKERS_____ STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____ GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS Master Lock Company, » $ Would it be possible for you to furnish us with the aii i i! a mo. 1g (ME il eataes tH | ut HL February 20, 1943. Mr. Gunnar 1700 Dierks Kensas City, Mo. ‘Desr Gunnar: I have some bad news for youe Three weeks after Oklahoma~Kansas game at Norman on January 9th all the tickets were sold out for the Kansas-Oklahom game here. _ However, here's the only possibility that we might do something for you. Many of the students have been called for active duty into either the Army Air Corps or the Army Re- serve. If we can find some of those student tickets with vacant seats we will do the best we can for you, but as is be pot co & there are no seats available ~ only standing room, and would be necessary to accept in principle standing room tickets at present. Tickets are $1.00 a piece, and if you will send Earl Palkenstien a check for $4.00 and tell him you want to get the best seats available - if you do under these conditions - then I em sure we will tear our shirts to help you. I am rushing this note to you. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physieal Education, PCA: AH Be Varsity Basketball Coach. NATIONAL. HOUSING AGENCY FEDERAL PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY 1700 Dierks Building Kansas City, Missouri February 17, 1943 PERSONAL Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs I wonder if you can get for me four tickets for the Oklahoma - K.U. basketball game. If you can't get four seats together, try to get two pairs together if possible. I am very anxious to see K.U. play Oklahoma and particularly to see them play in Lawrence as I haven't seen a basketball game there since I left school. Please send me the tickets advising me the amount and I will send you a check immediately. Best wishes for a continuing successful season for you and your team. et cerely yours, J, Gunnar Mykland Director, Region VII February 16, 1943. Lawrence, 5 ANSAS « Dear Darrell; ol da tae ilk an een Oa office this afternoon to discuss with me your attendance at the track olass. I met you in the Athletic Office and I was under the impression at the time you spoke that you were a Ii. Gust Nelson. Mrs. Hultesn had spoken to me regarding Mr. Nelson's dissatisfaction with the grade he was getting in physical education. : T\just returned from our northern tour in basketball and was & little hazy regarding all the details after your case had Se Atte eie tlh Seen tn, tee. Delon ten th, oe X ent Mrs. Hulteen, “I just talked to Mr. Nelson.” I was in error. Now, here's the situation, Darrell. Mr. Shenk has re- voked your right to substitute track for physical conditioning and it is absolutely necessary that you report for physical con- ditioning. If you want to help Coach Hargiss on your om it is . all right. I have also checked with the people at the stadiun and find that you have been present to help Coach Hargiss a couple of times. You doubtless are acquainted with the University ruling that when a man has six unexcused absences en condi tioning he is withdrawn from the University. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. February 12, 1945. Axe about Hr. Perkins he said that he is the person who is in charge of renting or purchasing fraternity houses for the War Department. Professor Axe is making a survey now of available and would like to know what you have in mind. Won't you write him in care of the University, or see him at your convenience? 7 Thanks for your kind words regarding Iowa State. We are embarking on a very hazardous voyage, starting tonight oh. tise Sek Bilan This my tell the story whether we are in or With all good wishes, I an - Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, POA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. J.C.MoRROW LAND BANK BUILDING KANSAS CITY, Mo. February 9, 1943 Wr. F.C. Allen ge ie pti University of Kansas “VO othe (— d Lawrence, Kansas va ik ee f wel go = ot, —: a". i. owe 2 a Dear Fhog: : Pa 4 © eS Doubtless you will recall that a few days ago we discussed probable action of the War Department as affecting university and fraternity houses. This morning, I was told that a man by the name of Perkins is in charge of such activities for the War Depart- ment at the University of Kansas. I thought it might be advisable to contact Mr. Perkins and ascertain if possible his views concerning the purchase or renting of fraternity houses. I will appreciate it if you will drop me a line giving me Mr. Perkins' jnitials and address and also your views concerning the immediate future of university life as it would be affected by military activities. May I congratulate you on your victory over Iowa State. By the way, I wonder if it is possible for Earl Falkenstein to save me four tickets for the Oklahoma game on February 26th. I will appreciate it if you will speak to Earl about this and have him send me a bill if he can furnish the tickets. Sincerely yours, JcoM/L Ca Morrow