March 26, 1943. Mr. de Ae Mohiline, 465 Walmt St., York, Pae Dear Mr. Mohiline: I greatly appreoiate your fine letter of March 6th, end regret my delay in answering your inquiry. i have written a text entitled “Better Basketball" whieh, I am sure, would be very interesting to you. The beok is profusely illustrated with action photographs end diagrams. individual offense and defense end tean offense and defense are treated exhaustively. | "Better Basketball” is published by MeGraw Hill and _ Company of New York, and is priced at $4.00. It is nn sale at most book sterss and sporting goods firms. However, if you. should desire an autographed copy T would be happy to send it to you postpaid upon receipt of your cheek or money order for $4200. It has never been ow custom to mail a book c.0ed. I am enclosing some descriptive material so that you may imow somethine more of the contents of the book. I shall be happy to hear from you again. | Sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education, FCA:An 7 Varsity Basketball Coach.