February 16, 1943. Lawrence, 5 ANSAS « Dear Darrell; ol da tae ilk an een Oa office this afternoon to discuss with me your attendance at the track olass. I met you in the Athletic Office and I was under the impression at the time you spoke that you were a Ii. Gust Nelson. Mrs. Hultesn had spoken to me regarding Mr. Nelson's dissatisfaction with the grade he was getting in physical education. : T\just returned from our northern tour in basketball and was & little hazy regarding all the details after your case had Se Atte eie tlh Seen tn, tee. Delon ten th, oe X ent Mrs. Hulteen, “I just talked to Mr. Nelson.” I was in error. Now, here's the situation, Darrell. Mr. Shenk has re- voked your right to substitute track for physical conditioning and it is absolutely necessary that you report for physical con- ditioning. If you want to help Coach Hargiss on your om it is . all right. I have also checked with the people at the stadiun and find that you have been present to help Coach Hargiss a couple of times. You doubtless are acquainted with the University ruling that when a man has six unexcused absences en condi tioning he is withdrawn from the University. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.