_ May 8, 1943. Mr. W. T. Markham, Supervisor, Occupational Information and Guidanee, State House, Topelm, Lansas. Dear Wir. Markham: | The Betulin thet we use are the pulvules #25C, complex vitamins B-1 and B-2. As I told you, we pay about $10.50 for five hundred, but it is necessary for us to order then ehead for you.e You may think that five hundred is a lot, but you will use them and it is wuoh cheaper to buy them that way, I have the gallon of Glyecolixir, but it will be to order the Betulin. Do you wish me to order this many you? Ag I teld you, we purchase them much below the wholesale price, so I agree with you that there ia a vast difference in the price we pay end what you pay the retailer. it will be a pleasure to do this for you. - Awaiting your reply, I an i: Very sincerely yours, 3 oe Direstor of Physical Rducation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.