THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS OFFICE OF ADVISER OF WOMEN LAWRENCE April 19, 194% Dre Fe Ce. Allen 105 Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Ry Thursday, April 29, 1943, will you please send us a list of the dates of events of general University interest that your department is scheduling for the school year 1945-44. the "K Book Calendar Committee" hopes to coordinate this m- terial so that conflicts may be avoided and a too greatly con- gested program preventede It may be impossible to arrange definite dates for some of the school events by that date, but we suggest that you send in a schedule of tentative dates, which may be indicated as “tentative” in the calendar of the "K Book". This is a busy time for you, I know, and I am appre- ciative of your effort and cooperation in getting to us as much material as you cane ery sincere BOM: mk viser of Women