May 4, 1943. Yon. H, 7, Markham, State Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Nr. Markham: Iwas delighted to see you at the Rotary District Conference, and am writing you regarding Glycolixir. I pay about $9.45 per gallon, but we order five gallons at a time. I would be glad to accommodate you if you should want a gallon ~~ As I told you, have several gallons in storage in my basement just to keep it on. hand because it is rather difficult to get at times. For the Betulin tablets, the last we bought — oe all ae Nii heal ical Said seek 48 Weak Ket pleasure for me to accommodate you. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely you's, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.