October ll, 1941. Dear dane ant. Ziweod: Sclehcis < bien pious Aicoaein Ove’ panthe bev ith down and write you a long letter in longhand. But this is Saturday morning, it is 9:58 aeme, and I have not succeeded in doing the thing . that I had hoped to do. However, I did pass up the. Nebraska-Kansas _— ae ee ee ee ee ee ee Hilton and Isabel, along with Tom Van Cleave, Jre, spd Vein tun, Gant isu dee, They are going on to Omaha to spend the night with the Newcomers there. Mother did not care to make the trip to Lincoln, as she is not that enthusiastic about the game. She said that she would rather stay at home and spend her money on sgn ig sinrap’ yoreyec ier I had arranged to some back on the bus after the game, but I figured that I was so far behind in some of the necess- ary things to do here at home, so I better stay here. The dope does not favor Kansas, and I doubt if they will win, but I rather wanted to get away for a day just to look at things from a distant viewpoint. We greatly saprasinted your calling the other night. I know of nothing that pepped Mother up quite as. much as your calling. ‘She is lonesome and homesick for you youngsters as well as for Bob and Eleanor, and although she doesn't say much about it I can tell by her conversation that she is pretty lenesome. She is bakingva cake for Eleanor for her birthday Monday. Eleanor will be twenty years of age. Mother said this morning when we were at breakfast that.it hardly seems twenty years since she bad the first pain for Eleanor. ‘She said she renembered it so well and how tired she was, nk. SENSES, See she could go through with it. I remember the occasion very well because the stadium k y was not finished and the field was not in shape so we played at Haskell. 2 We were playing Drake University, and Drake beat us Seat ay = 4 re- _ member that, too. And then, you remember, little old towheaded Tuck, ket, and she went as Tuck, for short. Bleanor says that Tuck at Penn, so I guess she likes the name. I _ she was so quiet and demure that Tuck just fit her. ? ee ee ee ae f Junior P Seems queer, doesn't it, to have a junior eee ? tT have always heard those Pennsylvania Duteh Lao, ~end perties anyhow, so that just fits them. ee ay woolly wed | 2 then eall it new - to in i ite g i : 5 Ef 7 F fo it is the ee Se E § E : af and woo the so a 8, Years Anyhow, this is just a belated note to let you know that we are thinking of you a lot, and we are so happy that you are happy and pleased with your future. By the way, I think it would be a fine thing if you could write Mother again and invite her up. She feels her’ loyalty to her home is too great, and I think she hates to leave the old man alone. But that wouldn't bother’me a bit. I am intensely busy- it seems busier than usual. I have been asked to write a basketball a ee ae know when I will make it. Wie are playing DePaul in Chicago on January 31. I am sending you a mimeographed copy of our basketball schedule. Of course we will have tickets for you and the Mons family. So reserve that date, but if Mother could come up before that time I kmow it would , please her, although I doubt if she will. Anyhow, the fact that you write and ask her will be helpful. ‘She could even run on from Chicago to Philedelphia for Thanksgiving because. I know she wants to see the Army-Nevy game. Why don't you propose it? It will be an impossibility for me to get away from my basketball practice because we are going to have tough going this year. Five of my players are out for football, and three of them are three of the best I have. So it will be hard work with the rest oi them, and taking over five from football will be no easy task. Their fundamentals will have suffered, and it will be a hard drive. ‘With lots of love, and here's hoping that everything clicks with both of you one thousand per cent, I am Affectionately, Your dad. 10d Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mons, a Marshell Field Garden Apartments, 1423 Hudson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. October 10, 1941 Un! Rarity Basketball 36° @outh Jalielie Street Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Morse, Please find enclosed signed contract for our basketball game in Chicago on January 31, 1942. Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Shectice and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach DE PAUL -LOYOLA INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL DOUBLE-HEADERS 2 A: ~ IO OA peptember 29, 1941 Physical Education Univenalas of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas I am enclosing herei your game against De Paul on that we have arranged Lay Chicago Stadium. This is a big step for us and a expensive one, and I hope not a dis- asterous one. I know I can count on you for a e real publicity campaign. i might suggest that unusual actions shots would be most desirable and I would appreciate your conta — man who handles your photo- graphy with reference to such pictures. th very best wishes for a successfu] Ake Wo 4 a wTHire Very sincerely yours, ee ‘\ © {ibe eeae Wl ADViS-OR Y Hon. Jupcz JoHn A. SBaARBARO Chairman Paul MattEl......Ath. Dir., DePaul THOMAS HAGGERTY ...cecsscsoseseo: DePaul Leonarp Sacns.....Ath. Dir., Loyola ARTHUR > MORSE.u.cccccocsssccssesee Bus. Mgr. OFFICES 10 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET e PHONE STATE 0434 * CHICAGO, ILL. y ye KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN PARTMENT OF HYSICAL ie AND ATHLETICS October 1, 1941 aN De. Fs Ca: Bi ien Director of P. E. for Men eee RS University of Kansas ' Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I have been asked to be chairman of the Major Student Section of the State P. E. Convention, and I believe I could plan a better program if I could contact some of the new teachers in the field and find out just what problems they have. Would you help me to do this by giving me the names and ad- dresses of five of your outstanding graduates who are now teaching in Kansas? I would rather not have 1941 graduates as they probably have not as yet figured out what their problems are; those with one, two or three years of experience would be better. | If any of these graduates ee speakers (with something to say), would you star (#) their names? : tr I appreciate your help in this matter. Very truly, a. i LT :MAS (Miss) Lorraine Maytum ENG Dep't of P.E. for Women 4 Ost. 4, 1941 Pref. J. C. Malin Chairman, Senate Committee on Examinations 108 Prank Strong Hall Campus Dear Prof. Malin, I am enclosing ten questions for an examination in a Pirst Aid course. The time for answering these questions, I believe, should be two hours. I shall be very happy to grade the papers after the students have taken the examination. With all geod wishes I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Baskétball Coach Questions for a First Aid Examination fhe time for all ten questions should be two hours. le Zo Se 4. Se 7 8. 9. What is meant by the Pasteur treatment? In what per cent of the cases is the use of it effective? Discuss fully the treatment for snake-bites. What are two points to be remembered in the treatment of any poiston-drug case? Discuss symptoms and treatment for epileptic fits? Tell what you know of carbon monoxide gas as a potent poison; where there are dangers of encountering it and how to prevent these dangers. Give treatment of wounds when bleeding is severe. How would you treat wounds when bleeding is not severe? Discuss what you know of the use of the tourniquet. Should it be used if bleeding can be otherwise checked? Why not? Qutline procedure for the rescue of a victim from contact with an electric wire. Outline treatment of such a victin. In cases of skull fracture or concussion wheat treatment should be followed by the first-aider until the physician arrives? — 10. Why should a first-aider never wash a wound with soap and water? THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 2 October 1941 Dre F.C. Allen Department of “hysical Education University of Kansas My dear Dre Allen: —— The senate committee on examinations has on file an application for examination in a course called First Aid, 3 hours credit. The work was given by the Kansas City(missouri) chapter of the American Red Cross. As the committee does not have on hand questions prepared for this sort of an examination it is necessary to have a set prepared. Please indicate on the question sheet the time limit the student should be allowed for completion of the examination. The examination will be given under the supervision of the committee and the papers will be sent you for grading and reporte Respectfully, James Ce Malin, Chairman Senate committee on examinations 108 Frank Strong Hall is it So eg Te eee saa 3 ‘ ogi oi eh aS ALE Hd a seas hae Sr ee ho iat Rie sea Sept. 24, 1941 Wr. Julius Marke 817 Mass. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Julius, Please find enclosed a check from Roy G. Klaas for $8.37 for a "EK" basketball. He made his letter in 1933. Will you kindly have the time engraved beside his name on the ball? I am endorsing the check and enclosing it in this letter. Thank you for your kindness and consideration. I am Sincerely yours, | Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation PCR/pe Varsity Basketball Coach Sept. 25, 1941 4 Hiss Beulah M. Morrison Professor of Psychology Prank Strong Hall Campus Dear Miss Morrison, I greatly appreciate your kindly motive in notifying the — office of the dean of the School of Education regarding the eutting of class on the part of Charles Black. Miss Rich immediately notified me and I attempted to reach’ Charles. Charles was working at the city ice company, but I failed to get him there last night due to their closing with the oncome (of the cold weather.- I called him out of bed at 7:30 this morning and I can assure you that I made phe point that I was displeased and disappointed in hime He gave the excuse that he had to prepare for speech class under Professor Buehler. I made the observation that he should spend more time on Miss Morrison's psychology because ¢ ~ was the thing that needed more attention than my friend, Profs Bushler's, class and raat that he do so. Of course I consider this a rather flimsy excuse, but I can | pretty well assure you that we drove home the point to the young man and I don't believe you will have any more trouble with class-cutting by Charles. Y | |. Mrs. Black and I have conferred together a number of times regare ding Charles’ temporary inconsistencies, but I am happy to that I definitely feel that Charles will make a grand man he faces the responsibilities of a more serious ‘life. Again I want to thank you and assure you that I will enthusias- tically cooperate in having him get out of college the nost important things. / Sincerely, / Director of Physical Education and Recreation Pca/pe Varsity Basketball Coach September 18, 1941. ire Jack Michener, Yorton, Kansas Dear Jack: << wonder if you will kindly return my copy of the Official. Basketball Rules some time at your convenience. I notice you have finished your lessens in Correspondence, and doubtless you are working on the final examination. | The Rules book is my personal property, and % desire to have it returned to my desk when you have finished with it. : ; I trust that you have enjoyed the course, and that you have found it profitable. Sincerely yours, . Ddrester of Physical Education and Recreation, | FOA:AR | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coachs UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Serves Zion — Bryce Canyon — Grand Canyon National Parks Sept. 10, 1942 Yr. Steve Meade 1100 Louisiana Lewrence, Kansas Dear Steve, Saturday morning Sept. 13 at 9:30 the freshmen. enrolling in physicel. education will meet in the lecture room of Blake Hall. i would be very happy if you would be present at thet time to - greet these new students as they come to the door of the lecture room. A smile and friendly word will make them feel more at home. I will count on you being there. Cordially, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pe Varsity Basketball Coach July 26th, 1941 Mr» Paul Masoner 609 North Main Garden City, Kensas % MoCoy Motor Company Dear Paul: Thank you for your letter ané elipping regarding Coach Eibler. I have wanted to be alert and ready to help any aepiring Tansas man where @ position might Opes be 1 am cled that you plan to go to school next summer te work on your Nesters, I think you are very wise. oa get a Masters Degree the more rapid will be the advancement. Se happy to see you land at Marysville, Kensase Superi tendent Wolgast and Principal Rolland are loyal fellows te work with. Both of them are here in this Sumer Session and both of thea are playing in our baseball league, . They are having a lot of fun and there is real genuine good fellowship existing among the players. When you have — men with executive and teaching ability who can gtill p and go through life, then I say that you're destined to have a | fon Geen in working in the same school with these men. Yes, I would heartily agree that taking a year's leave of absence during the year 1943and 1944, would be a such better plan than struggling through a great mang Sumer Sessions. I'm referring your letter to Dector Elbel, who will pros “ae your problem and hé"llwrite you a letter in a very short while. I'm Me a delegating to him this type of work for all our students. He will evaluate your work and find out from Dean Stouffer (who incidentally happens to be ne off on a short vacation now) just whether these five hours oan be tr ‘ede I will askihet Dr. =lbel study your ‘transeript and write you at a very arly Thanks for your good wishes to the o Mrs. . foe today on the Sante Fe Streamliner for Chicago ere she will visit with Jane iy ae oe 21d be cS Hons ie td on Hawt iat tabaak acne and the family think that he — +: : ey 1 ee tak shesiy oners and the MeCoys are all well. FeA:re Joe Kibler Is New Garnett Coach Owen Hired to Replace Masoner But Accepted Position At Chanute’ Coached at Oswego) Has Attended N. Y. U., K. U. and Pittsburg Teachers’ College; Parents Early Settlers in Anderson County Joe Kibler, last year’s coach at Oswego has been hired to replace Paul Masoner as coach at the Garnett high school for the coming year. Last week, the school board hired Harper D. Owen of Mound City to replace Masoner, but Thursday night the board was notified by Owen that he had received a better offer to coach at Chanute and would take that position. Kibler was immediately asked to fill the vacancy and he ac- cepted the job Friday. Kibler graduated from the Sedan high school at Sedan, Kas., where he lettered in football and basketball and was named on the “all-star” confer- ence football team as guard. He attended New York University where he played football and baseball, and later received his Bachelor of Science degree from Kansas State Teachers’ college where he played both football and basketball. In his senior year at Pittsburg he directed the school’s intramural athletic program. Kibler has majored in both phys- ical education and industrial arts. He has done graduate work towards his masters’ degree in physical education instruction in basketball coaching under “Phog’” Allen. He has had five years coaching ex- perience, including work at Quenemo; Bennington and Oswego. He resigned from Oswego to accept the position here at Garnett. Kibler’s teams have won 18 out of 22 games played in a season, won runners up in the district tournaments and runners up in county tournaments. His parents were early settlers of Anderson county, both attending school in Garnett in the early ’80s and both later taught in Anderson county. He comes from a family of school teachers since both his father and sister were county superintendents of Chatauqua for several years afte) leaving Anderson county . 2 Kibler is married, and he and hi wife will move to Garnett short] after the completion of the summ, session which he is now attending | Pittsburg. F i GARNETT ATHLETIC COACH Joe Kibler, last year’s coach at Oswego, will replace Paul Masoner at Garnett High School this fall. Harper D. Owen, hired last week to replace Masoner, accepted a position at Chanute last Thursday night. ~ McCoy MOTOR COMPANY 509 NortH Main GARDEN CITY, KANSAS July 23, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed find a clipping from the Garnett paper, which will explain the coaching setup there for next year. I believe you are right about Garnett going back to an Industrial Arts - Coach program, although I am not certain about it. Next summer I plan to go to school for work on my Masters. I feel that the sooner I get it done the better will be the opportunities for advancement in Physical Education. If things go right for me I plan to get as much done as possible next summer and then take a years leave of absence to finish up my work during the year of 19435 and 1944. Do you think that would be a better idea than only during summer school work. I have 129 hours plus three hours of Graduate work now. A question came to my mind whether I could transfer five of my hours in Physical Eduation toward my Masters' degree. There are several courses of Physical Education that are Graduate courses which I have had. If this could be done I have five hours of Modern History, which could be used to fill out the 124 needed for my Bachelors degree. I would appreciate hearing from you, pertaining to this work. Please give my regards to my friends in the Physical Education Department and to Mrs. Allen. Paul Masoner