ST. JOSEPH NEWS-PRESS AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY St. doseph Gazette MORNING C.M.PALMER, PRESIDENT HENRY D. BRADLEY, PusBLisHerR ST. JOSEPH, MISSO Dear Phog; eae a : [Seg Ln ruby - I understand that you are handling baseball this year, Is there any possibility of arranging some exhibition or practice games at lawrence between your team and the St, Joseph Saints: Manager Walter Holke is anxious to play as many gams as possible before the league ieee opens so as to season his players and to try them out in competition, He would not expect any expenses unless you charged admission and his primary idea is to play games, not to make any money, If your pitchers sren't ready he would be glad to loan you some, If there is any possibility of arranging any games at Lawrence priot to April 29 please let me know, Yours sincerely Arthur F,Hnghes Sports Miter The Gazette