HULE-GLARKE MAGHINERY GO. Lstablished 1867 OEFICES PLANT 649 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD 2lst ST. AND KILBOURN AVE. PHONE HAYMARKET 7660 CHICAGO. CABLE ADDRESS REMAND” : USA, A.W. WIGGLESWORTH, PRESIDENT a : oe ee 5 | eS , ASST. TRE < Sac. ae aie CHICAGO R.B. COLTER, SUPERINTENDENT October 1, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am very pleased to tell you that the golf clubs have just arrived and all that I am now waiting for is the invoice. The arch normalizer has found a permanent place in the bathroom I use and gets a work out first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. The first time I used it I thought of your experience at Atlanta, Georgia, but am afriad that I did not have as much grit as you exhibited at that time. We enjoy your letters and hope to hear from you often. Thank you again for your kindness in securing the golf clubs. Cordially, \ HWM*0 Airmail