is going to be one of close companionship, sincere love and real devotion. Won't that make a great Christmas? After all, you know, it usually takes some great and impend~ ing danger, 2 catastrophe accompanied by suffering, even "a stab in the back", to make us count our blessings, quicken our appreci- ation of others, realize how fortunate we really are. Havpy I am to have a son and one who can and will answer his country's call when the time comes. And I'm thrilled with the complacency with which he views the situation, delighted with his loyalty, determination and courage. Yes, he's a real American. Happy, too, am I, and all of us here at C.B.C., that we live in a country now thoroughly united and one engaged in a tremendous and "all-out" struggle to fight aggression, to preserve our Ameri-~ can way of life, to make permanent and secure our individual lib- erty and freedom. And happy also are we to have such good friends and associ- ates as you -- it makes our work so much more interesting, makes the going much more pleasant, makes us rich indeed. So in face of all the worry, the strife, the fear which ex- ists throughout the world, in spite of the uncertainty as we view it here at home, we are going to have "A Happy Christmas" both at Glenmore, the Moore home, and at the school, too. And all of us wish for you and yours this same kind of a Yuletide, not the merriest, but the happiest in all your experi- ence. So this is our Christmas greeting this year and our sincere wish here in the closing days of 1941. Cordially yours, Dooce. A116 Worey-ZFeai dent Chillicothe Business College